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I Am A Liar has come to an end

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I Am A Liar has come to an end...

Or has it?

Hey everyone!! I wanted to thank you for reading my story the past couple weeks. It means so much to me you don't even know. Right now it has 15k reads... that's absolutely crazy! I never though that could happen to someone like me... just a teen trying to get through high school, but it did and I wanted to thank you all so much for the votes and nice comments. I will probably be editing chapters and revamping aesthetics and all that so if you see them getting reposted that's what's going on.

And great news! I'm thinking about making a sequel (titled I Am An Angel) so don't worry Maria and Christian will be back! Again, thank you all so much for reading and voting!

Lots of love,
Sophie <3

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