Pizza is the reason

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After mine and Stampy's chat I felt so convinced he didn't love me. I sighed.

I felt hungry so I looked at the watch on my wrist. time for tea. 

I walked into my kitchen and opened the freezer. There's only me... as always so I need something small.

I soon realise I barely have any food.

"I'll go shopping tomorrow" I sigh to myself.

I find the phone and a take-away menu.

Quickly I phone the takeaway place and order a large half pepperoni and half cheese pizza.

Then I remember, a large pizza from pizzini's pizza (a made up place) is massive!! I think about what to do and then see a picture of Stampy that I'd done as fanart a while ago.

I dial his number and wait for his voice.

"Hi" I hear him say

"Do you want to come over? We can watch a movie and have some pizza" I ask smiling.


"be here in ten" I say 

"ok" he says laughing.

When Stampy arrived I gave him a hug and showed him to my living room.

"The pizza should be here soon" I smiled


"What do you want to watch?" I asked

"I don't mind... how about this" he whispers and then shows me a DVD he brought.

'The Cat and The Duck' 

"Yeah... let's watch it" I smile. I take the DVD and put it in the DVD player.

Then there's a knock at the door. I answer it and collect the pizza 

"eight pound please" smiled the delivery guy.

"I'll go get the money, one minute" I wander into the kitchen and collect some money. 

When I walk back through Stampy is saying bye to him and closing the door.

"Stampy, I didn't pay" I say confused. 

"No, you didn't I did" he smiles

"But.." I say

"come on" he laughs and we walk into the living room.

I picked up the plates and the pizza and begin walking into the kitchen but I slip and drop everything.

"Owwwww" I whimper.

Stampy and Sqaishey Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now