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Stampy lifted me and carried me bridal style back inside the house.

As we walked through the door Netty ran over to us.

"What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"She just collapsed" Stampy said quietly.

He laid me on the settee sat on the floor by my side.

I just laid there crying as everyone gathered around me.

I cried harder.

All the people around me made me feel claustrophobic.

My breathing became heavy and I fainted


When I woke up I was in my bed and Stampy was laid next to me with his arms wrapped around me.

He was asleep but his face was wet, meaning he'd been crying recently.

I kissed him lightly on the lips and waited for his response. Nothing.

I sighed and shook him slightly.

He quickly reacted by sitting up and slapping me.

I touched my cheek and looked at my hand. Blood. 

Shaking, I backed out of the room.

"Sqaishey.. I" Stampy reached for my hand but I pulled away from him.

I ran. I ran out the house and I ran down the road. I saw a large tree and climbed it.

I silently watched Stampy run out of the house looking around frantically.

I waited for him to go back inside before climbing down the tree but I fell. 

I fell on my arm.

"owww" I screamed.

As I stood up my leg had that sharp pain again and I fell back down.

I dragged my leg behind me to by the front of the house and then I collapsed onto the floor

"HELP" I screamed, crying.

I heard the door open and I saw Squid.

"Stampy!! Quick! Get blankets now! and a first aid kit!!" He shouted. 

Suddenly Stampy appeared. 

I rolled onto my back and started crawling kind of backwards.

"Stay away from me" I cried shaking.

"Sqaishey I didn't mean to" Stampy walked over to me and knelt by my side.

"S.. S... Squid, help!" I whimpered.

Squid stood there looking like he didn't know what to do.

"You know what? If no-one wants to help then I will help myself.

I stood up and wobbled slightly. I walked inside and grabbed my bag. I quickly packed  my stuff into it and hid it under my bed.

I laid on my bed and went to sleep. Tonight was going to be a long night...

Stampy and Sqaishey Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now