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I sat down on the sofa with Sqaishey.

"Squid, have you got any blankets?" I asked,worried about Sqaishey

"Yes, I'll be back in a minute" he disappeared and I looked at Sqaishey.

She laid her head on my shoulder.

"We ordered chinese, you can have some of mine if you want" I smiled

"what did you order?" she asked quietly.

"chicken chowmein, my favourite" I smiled.

She rolled round and snuggled into me more.

"My favourite too" she grinned.

"Here you go, three blankets" smiled Squid. Then there was a knock at the door. Squid threw the blankets to us and answered the door.

I wrapped a blanket around Sqaishey. 

"food's here" Squid came through.

He got some plates and I put a plate out for mine and Sqaishey's Chicken Chowmein.

"I'm just going to get something, back in a minute" Squid disappeared and me and Sqaishey were eating off the same plate! 

We were both slurping up the noodles. I looked at Sqaishey and noticed we had the same noodle! She had noticed too! 

We carried on until we kissed!! Classic!!

"well, well. Very classic" laughed Squid.

We turned and looked at him

All of us laughed.

"I only have one spare bed" Squid said slowly

"I'll sleep on the floor, it's okay" I smiled

"okay" Squid replied.

We watched a film and then decided it was time to go to sleep.

"can you sleep in my room?" Sqaishey whispered

"Yes" I replied quietly.

We walked upstairs and then Sqaishey's phone started ringing.

"unknown number" she shrugged

"hello?" she said putting it on speaker

"Hi babe" said a man.

I looked at her when he said that. She shook her head as if to say, ignore it.

"What do you want Nicholas?!" she asked angrily.

"Sqaishey, you did right to break up with your boyfriend! But seriously? Getting back with him?!! You're an idiot Sqaishey! I promise you, as long as he's with you, he's screwed!" And then he hung up.

Sqaishey started crying. I wrapped my arms around me and Squid patted her back.

"Stampy, promise you'll stay with me forever. Promise me you'll be okay!" she sobbed

"I promise" I whispered "let's go to sleep and we'll go to the police in the morning" 

"okay" she cried.

We walked into the spare bedroom and Squid walked into his. I laid on the floor and pulled blankets over me. I ell asleep finally.

Suddenly I was awoken by Sqaishey.

"I'm scared Stampy. I had a bad dream where Nicholas was trying to kill you" She sobbed.

"He won't do that, don't worry" I sighed

I stood up and laid on the bed next to her.

"don't worry about it" I smiled

"That's why I broke up with you. He rang me. That's why I was crying. I'm sorry" she snuggled into my chest.

I put my arm around her.

"It's okay" 

We fell asleep like this

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