Necklace, picture, Beautiful!

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As we took off I held Stampy's hand tightly and closed my eyes.

When we were in the air securely I felt safer and relaxed.

"See? It's not so bad" Stampy smiled.

"I guess" I sighed.

Stampy unbuckled his seatbelt and reached to do mine.

"no! please! don't do that!" I panicked

"It's fine. Look the light is on to say it's fine" He pointed at the light.

"But..." I began sighing

"it's fine" he said unbuckling it.

"I'm just going to the bathroom, back in a minute" I smiled. I picked up the black box and made sure no-one saw it in my hand.

I walked into the toilet and closed the lid. I sat down and opened the box, carefully I pulled the necklace out.

It's a locket! I carefully opened it and saw a picture of me and Stampy at the park a while  ago. 

I grinned and put the necklace on. 

I walked back and sat down next to Stampy.

"Hello beautiful" he beamed.

"I love you and I love the picture. Thank you baby" I smirked.

"So, you realised it was a locket" Stampy turned to me


After about an hour and a half we were told we were going in for landing. I smiled relieved we'd be out of the air soon! 

Stampy and Sqaishey Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now