Sqaishey update

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Me and Stampy sre going out on a date tonight, I just can't wait!

Stampy is actually still here, I asked him to stay for a little while. He's downstairs! 

Suddenly my phone began to ring.

I looked at the caller ID. It said unkown number so I answered it:

"Hello, who is this?" I ask confused

"Hi babe, how are you" replied the voice.

Nicholas. My ex boyfriend. I hate him! He cheated on me twice! 

"Don't you dare call me babe!! We broke up a year ago!" I shouted

"But baby, I want you back!" he said

"Well, you aren't having me back"

"fine, it was your choice. Your new boyfriend is screwed" he cackled and then hung up.

What do I do now?...

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