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Once we reached our residence, I took out my key to unlock the door when Taehyung interrupted my movement with a judgmental question.

"Where's your card? You didn't lose it, did you?" He asked, eyebrows raised. I wanted to lie to his face and say I did, but I decided to take the nicer, quicker route.

"No, I didn't lose a key card because I don't have one." Tae tilted his head, confused. "I was given the option of choosing either an actual key or the card that you have, but the silver key was just too cute to pass up!"

He stared at me, making me realize I was gushing like a little girl.

"Ahem," I coughed, embarrassed. "I just liked the look of it, that's all."

And with that, I opened the door, pulling the cart with me.

"Whatever you say."


Once Taehyung and I were safe and sound in the apartment, he staked the second trip for himself, assigning me with the task of putting the groceries away.

My pride emerged at that point, thinking Taehyung doubted me and didn't want a woman carrying a heavier load them him, therefore making her stay in the kitchen. But it's whatever, I'm no feminist, and maybe he doesn't want me falling again? I'll never know.

After he left with the cart, I focused on the refrigerated items first, placing the various trays of sliced meat in the freezer. The eggs were the next to go. No, excuse me, the special brown eggs. I thought back to our disagreement in Costco, shaking my head at how childish we seemed. Correction, how childish he seemed. I consider myself to be a mature individual, and I was mature for my age back then, but Taehyung somehow brings the youthful, immature side out of me without my written consent.

I opened the grand fridge doors to reveal plenty of empty space and respective shelving, acknowledging the few bottles of water taking room on the side rack. Time to organize!

The eggs went on the left of the middle glass shelf, and I moved to the assorted fruits and veggies. We didn't necessarily get much, but it was enough to sustain us for maybe half a week. I didn't really know how much food Taehyung ate. I worried he had an erratic food schedule, meaning there was no distinct breakfast, lunch, or dinner; they sort of all mix and mesh together.

But I won't let that happen, and I'll make sure that smurf eats a little bit of everything from the food triangle.

Now, the fruit and vegetables were separated in their own containers, leaving me satisfied. The amount of fruit we got outweighed the greens of course, due to the fact that both of us preferred it that way. Thank God.

I put the bananas in some random decorative bowl I found, leaning back to observe my work. I moved the bowl over a bit one way, approving of the new proportions and angl-

Woops. There I go again, talking in photography terms, my bad. Okay then, where was I? Oh right, banananananananas. I stopped messing with the unripe crescent moon things and stacked two loaves of bread in a corner. As for the snacks, well, I chose a desolate cupboard entirely dedicated to them.

That's it, everything is put away and I am free. "I can finally go to bed," I told myself out loud. "Now where in the world did Taehyung go?"

Placing my hands on my head, I tried to reload my memory card, and it only took three seconds to realize that-"Ahhh, dammit!"-there was another shipment of Costco goods on the way.

"You have actually got to be kidding me." It was almost 2:30, and Taehyung left me nearly twenty-five minutes ago. Was he okay?

However, I grew more impatient then worried, wishing for him to stop taking his grand ol' time. I didn't buy a whole bunch of necessities, so he shouldn't be taking this long.

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