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It's the 19th of June, the day after Kaito has seen Kokichi "Okay"... well he thought Kokichi was okay.

You see..Kokichi has problems with opening up to others, it's been like this ever since. The supreme leader just deals with his problems on his own, he has no one to even rely on. He feels so sorry for himself, but it had to stay that way. He thought no body cared about him.

He has been getting nightmares..terrible horrible nightmares. That's why he barely sleeps now, he's never been able to sleep peacefully anyway. Sometimes, he'd wish that somebody would just hold him..and tell him everything is fine, while he's just crying his tears out like a baby.
Though, he hates being seen as a "weak" leader. His biggest fear was everyone leaving him, for being weak. He thought that working hard and being a strong leader would make others stay there and be with him, instead of leaving him, and not relying on him. Well.. honestly, none of his plans work at all, no one here doesn't even bother hanging out with him.
.. Saihara-...chan? he cares about the short boy..right? Well.. Kokichi does kinda beg for Shuichi to hang out with him, but Shuichi complies whenever he does.

Kokichi just thought about something else. Shuichi just agreed because he's just too nice to say no, That's why.

Kokichi's mind immediately ended up thinking about Kaito. Yep..
Kaito fucking Momota. That dumb..Astronaut.
But..why? Why him?
There are other people, besides Mr.Detective. but..really? Kaito?

That made The Leader remember, he was about to go out to the field, and lay down while watching the stars..tonight. Gosh, of course Kaito would make him remember about that, he's a fucking astronaut nerd or whatever. Kokichi thought and laughed to himself.

Just hopefully nobody would be there to ruin his peaceful time. Kokichi honestly doesn't want to waste his time with the others. Why interact when they hate him? What's the point.
"This is an announcement, it is now 10 p.m. as such, it is officially night time."

Oh wow, an hour. Kokichi has been thinking about the astronaut for about an hour. That gave the supreme leader the chills, but it was now time for him to take a look at the stars.

The short boy got up and headed out his room. Finally..things are quiet.

He began to walk through the hallways and eventually ended up outside, Kokichi smiled. It was a sad smile, a smile you could easily see the pain he has been through.

The Leader walked to the field, but froze when he saw...


Kaito? What is he doing here? Now, Kokichi won't be having a peaceful stargaze tonight.

Kokichi just turned around and started his steps towards the entrance to go inside.

"Kokichi? Hey! Wait!"

Kaito suddenly called out for the short boy.

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