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   Ouma woke the noise- of..silence?..

wha-.. huh? ..

He fluttered his eyes open, completely confused after what he just woke up to, it didn't make sense at all.
It was probably morning and the morning announcement hasn't gone on yet..

The purple haired boy used his arms to lift himself so he can sit up. By this action, he winced softly at the pain in his arms.


He noticed his arms were all bandaged up.. who.. did this..?

he tried to remember what happened last night.. of course he remembered what he did to himself, but he didn't remember someone patching him up..

he smiled softly, glad that they did that to him, he obviously expected it was Momota and he was right.

His head slowly turned to a sleeping astronaut, he had slight dark circles under his eyes. Ouma felt bad, did he really care that much? He thought, feeling his cheeks heat up.

he must show how appreciated he felt towards his boyfriend, he loves his boyfriend so much and he's done so much for him.
But how?

This IS ouma's first time dating someone..
first time someone loved him back.
He sighed, decided to think about it later for now..
Now's not the time to think those things..right now- he'll have to think of an excuse, a lie? or..the truth for an explanation to why he did this to himself..

he really didn't want to admit it, but.. his voices in his head would sometimes tell him that momota doesn't love him at all, and that it was a big, fat, lie.
Sometimes, he would believe them.


The short male just stared down at his bandaged arms for awhile, until he suddenly felt arms around his waist, causing him to yelp in surprise.

Ouma immediately looked down to his waist to see that they were obviously his boyfriend's arms. He slowly turned his head to the side, to see momota cuddling him in his sleep.

He slowly laid back down, causing the other to pull him closer. The action made his cheeks turn red.

The liar decided to just stare at the ceiling, remembering the times when Momota and him used to be.. "rivals".. i guess you could call it that..
well, they're both still rivals, but in a good friendly way. ( i dont know what i just typed in, but please i hope you understand this ahdjsj )

Two hours and the morning announce came on, usual stupid announcement, bla bla bla 7:00 am shit.

Ouma laughed to himself as he thought that, it took a while for him to stop, but suddenly, a voice interrupted.

"What are you laughing at?"

The short male immediately sat up, as he heard a grunt coming from beside him.



ouma suddenly felt shivers up his spine, as he felt his boyfriend slowly sit up, he could feel the astronaut's eyes on him.


"Kichi?" The taller one said, slowly bringing a hand towards the Leader's shoulder. Ouma was trembling and He noticed right after he saw a glimpse of his hands shaking.

"It's okay..we can talk it out later..or..just tell me when ya feel ready.. kay? I don't want you pressured." The tall male said as he gently wrapped an arm around his short boyfriend. He felt Ouma loosen up, now leaning onto his touch. That caused Momota to smile.

"Okay.." The liar replied, earning a soft kiss on his cheek afterwards. This caused his cheeks to heat up again.

gosh, he's been blushing a lot today.

AHHAHDJSN jsjsjs🥺💕 i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, hwjdjs i'm sorry for not posting too soon, i've been busy whjd
— abby

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