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   Kokichi Ouma noticed the astronaut running towards him, he crossed his arms.

What does he want?

When Kaito finally arrived, he was out of breath, sweat rolling down his forehead..

The short boy just stared at the other, noticing the features. did..the tall male spend all his time looking for his short boyfriend..?

"..Kichi! I finally found you..why did you leave all of a sudden?" The astronaut asked, honestly relieved that his boyfriend is at least okay. He sat down beside Kokichi, his eyes fixed on the boy beside him.

The purple-haired boy just looked away..

"Momo-chan..you left me.." He mumbled, he had a small frown drawn on his face. Kaito noticed, and immediately worried..

Why would he think that Kaito left him?

"What?..What do you mean..?" The astronaut gently cupped the Leader's cheek. He looked into his boyfriend's eyes, while the other just looked off to the side.

Kokichi is clearly upset.

"..Y-You..were gone..you left me alone..I was scared, I..I didn't know where you went..i-i know you shouldn't always spend your time with me..I get it- b-but..-"
the small male got cut off by his boyfriend.

"Kichi, I was in the shower." Kaito simply said, a small smile creeping up on his face.

Kokichi quickly looked up at his tall boyfriend, immediately feeling embarrassed. He could feel his face get hot then looked away.

"Baby, I'm sorry I didn't alert you before going, you looked so peaceful and pretty when you were sleeping." The tall male said, slowly pulling Ouma into a hug.

The purple-haired boy teared up, burying his face into the other's chest. He liked that nickname, he was flustered.

"I-I'm sorry.." The boy with glossy eyes apologized softly, he really was serious, he didn't even tell the astronaut to stop calling him pretty.

But.. Kaito speaks the truth.

"Don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong.." Momota whispered, gently kissing his boyfriend's cheek. He cupped the other's cheek, slowly wiping the tears away.

The smaller just looked up at the taller, with big doe glossy eyes.

The astronaut blushed, honestly enjoying the scenery.

"Fuck, Kichi you're so cute."  Momota mumbled, now stroking Ouma's soft silky hair.

"hmmn..?~ what was that momota-chaan?" Ouma asked in a teasing tone, Kaito missed that tone.

"Ohh, nothing~ Let's go cutie-" The tall male slowly got up, picking his boyfriend up in bridal style. The action caused the short male get so flustered, though he really enjoyed it.


The detective teared up, he had seen enough, he couldn't take it anymore..

He eventually ran off to his room, while the two lovebirds were just taking their time going to the dining hall.

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