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   Huge TW warning


Ouma was in his room, staring as Momota was carefully wrapping bandages around his injured wrists.

It was silent, oddly silent. Momota didn't say anything this time, which worried Ouma. The purple haired boy slowly looked up at his boyfriend.

"Momo-chan..?" He asked, The astronaut had a stern look on. It looked almost scary in all honesty, Ouma thought.


"h-..hey.." Ouma said again, trying to get his boyfriend's attention. It looks like Momota wasn't in the mood right now.


hah, i told you.

He fucking hates you.

You're so dumb for not noticing any sooner.

..b- but i-..he's my boyfriend..I trust him! he loves me! he wouldn't lie..

He wouldn't lie? Think about it, he could tell you he's not lying, but in reality, he's lying the whole time. Even yourself as a liar you can't even understand yourself most of the time.

You're a whole lie.

You're weak, fucking pathetic. Kokichi.

The liar gasped softly, slowly looking back down. He didn't even bother to get Momota's attention anymore.

It hurts.

Maybe what my head tells me are true.


He's lying to me..isn't he?


The astronaut gave a quick kiss on both of the Liar's bandaged up wrists. They felt super secure, so Ouma would fail whenever he tries to take it off,

"..M-Momota..You..hate me, don't you?"

Kaito's eyes widened, staring down his short boyfriend who was staring blankly at the floor. He looked..


"w- where did you get that from?! I love you so much Ouma..please." He spoke, leaning down to Ouma, their foreheads touching. "Please..i love you so much, don't think such things of that.. i care about you so much.." he continued.

This is stupid.

Why is he suddenly talking?

He was quiet when you were trying to get his attention.

..momota says he loves me. He admitted it.

Ouma just nodded, he moved away. That action hurt the astronaut. It made him confused but.. maybe his boyfriend wasn't just feeling well?

He sat down beside the smaller boy and slowly pulled him to the side to hug him.

"Ya know..you're lucky i'm not the kind of person who pressures people, so..I'm patient. I'm patient, i'll wait for your answer, why. Why you did this.." Kaito spoke softly, gently kissing his boyfriend's head.

The taller male could hear his boyfriend sigh softly..

"T-thank you..Momota-kun."

"You don't have to call me by my last name all the time...ya know.."

"Okay! Kaito! Kaito kaito kaito kaito kaito kai-"

"Nevermind- i take that back."



Hey! how are you guys doing? how are you liking my story so far?! please comment your opinions! - abby

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