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( chapter two spoilers )

tw d*ath

Saihara was in the gym with the others,, Ryoma seemed to be somewhere..

it was slightly fishy, but he shrugged it off for now,, Angie was up there, announcing everyone that Himiko would do this type of magic thing in the tank..

The time was limited..meaning when the time tics off, the piranhas would join in the same tank as Yumeno and eat her up if she didn't go quickly enough.

When everyone knew the situation, some were worried,, but Tenko. TENKO was very worried.

The detective sighed,, all he could do is H O P E that nothing bad would happen.. nothing bad..

H O P E H O P E H O P E H O P E H O P E H O P E H O P E H O P E.


and there you go.. The curtains were closed, the time ended, and the piranhas came in. Tenko screamed in terror, beginning to run towards the curtains, but was stopped by the others holding her back.

Angie announced that she will open the curtains and we will see the results, everyone,, except one person had a worried look.

that one person that seemed to not look worried was.. Ouma.


Shuichi's heart ache whenever he thought of him. It even ached when he saw the two together. Yes, Kaito and Kokichi..

the curtains have opened, to see-..a disturbing scene.

Ryoma was in the tank..

He seemed to be cuffed? and unconscious.. Obviously. The piranhas just gobbled him up, leaving him just to bones.

Everyone had terrified looks on their faces.

even the detective himself just watched in shock.

( i'm just going to change things up a bit )

Momota held Ouma close, the small male felt like hurling, but he just pretended he was fine.

he didn't want to be a weak leader.

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