Soft Lips.

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  The short boy suddenly felt weak and fell on his knees. He was now in the Movie Theatre.. Kokichi just curled into a ball and sobbed.

His feelings were controlling over him and..It hurts Kaito to see him like this. The tall male finally caught up and was out of breath.

..jeez..Sure Kokichi is small, but he's super fast.
Kaito thought. This isn't the time to think about these things right now..Kokichi is on the floor crying, Kaito needs to comfort him.

The astronaut slowly kneeled down beside the leader who was bawling his eyes out. The poor small male was covering his ears while sobbing.. Kaito could hear Kokichi saying stuff through his sobbing.

"no more.."

The tall male frowned, gently picking the small boy up and pulled him into a hug.

Kokichi noticed and began to punch Kaito.. The astronaut just held him tight..He just wants Kokichi to calm down for a bit.

Kaito embraced all the hitting and kicking from the sobbing boy, but didn't seem to get effected at all.

Those hard punches/kicking quickly went weak. Ouma still kept punching the boy who was just trying to help him.. the punching didn't stop it at all..

Kaito just stayed quiet, hoping the boy would quiet down. It worked, Kokichi slowly lowered his fist down and would cry weakly now.

Soft hiccups would escape the small boys mouth, all for sobbing too hard. Kaito slowly got up, cradling the boy in his arms now. He headed towards the seats, they looked very comfy, well they are in the movie theatre anyway.

Kaito finally sat down on one of the seats, way in the back row. Just in know- if kokichi runs off again, it would take a longer time since that there would be stairs.
Kaito thought, just hope those legs of Kokichi are weak when it comes to stairs.

Kokichi was now on Kaito's lap, just crying softly into the taller boy's chest.

The astronaut just gently ran his fingers through Kokichi's soft silky hair.. soft..
at first, Kaito thought it would be spikey..just cause by the looks of Kokichi's hair,

don't judge a book by it's cover.

This made the Tall male smile softly at the thought. lucky he was, to be this close with small male.

After a while, it was quiet now.. they could both hear each other's breathing. Kokichi's breathing was soft..and calm. It made Kaito feel proud, now that the small boy in his arms is now calm.


"..m-momota-chan..?" Kokichi softly spoke, breaking the silence between the two.

"hm..?" Kaito stopped running his fingers through the leader's soft silky hair, his eyes fixed on Kokichi.

" really mean it..?" The small male mumbled, almost impossible to hear.

The tall male smiled softly.
"I can't hear you, dumbass."

"i..i said..Did you really mean it..? said that you love me and stuff..?" The leader spoke, having a timid tone with it. Kaito noticed Kokichi's body tense up while talking.

"Hey hey..Calm down, It's not like i'm going to scold you or anything.." Kaito said in such a calm tone..Causing Kokichi to smiled softly and nod.

His body soften up..

"..Look, Of course I mean it..Why would I lie about my feelings?" Kaito said, while gently rubbing Kokichi's back.

Kokichi melted into the touch.

The small male smiled softly, feeling glad.
That surprised the Tall male, that's probably the first time that Kokichi said his name in a serious matter.

"I..I love you too." Kokichi looked up at Kaito.

The Leader's Puffy eyes met with the astronaut's.

Kaito was shocked, though relieved.

"..What about Shuichi? " The tall male asked, everyone knew that Kokichi had some sort of crush on Shuichi- or well they thought..

The small male just smiled softly.

His smile is so pretty..
His cheeks look so squishable..
His..lips look so soft..

"heyy!! hey! were you even listening to me?!" The smaller boy pouted, crossing his arms.
Kokichi felt a bit pain though, which caused him to wince softly.

Kaito snapped out of his thoughts, immediately noticing the pain.

...he should ask about that later.

"Sorry Kichi..I was deep in thought, Keep talking." The Astronaut chuckled while cupping the Leader's cheek so suddenly.

That caused Kokichi's cheeks heat up.

Such a very cute scene..
Kaito smiled.

"um..Well- You see, You may think that i like Saihara-chan in some kind of way! but no, that's wrong!" The small boy stopped just to take a breath before continuing.
"I..I just tried to get closer to Saihara-Chan..Just thought I could trust him with my problems.." Kokichi almost felt guilty while saying this.

Though, it didn't really bother Kaito at all.

"I get it Ouma, I apologize for not noticing right away.." The tall male's smile turned into a slight frown.

"..No worries Momo-Chan..!~I am fine now!~" The small male smiled..

..the smile looked sad.

Kaito just smiled, pulling Kokichi into a gentle hug again.

"Just..whenever you feel sad..tell me,, kay?" The tall male spoke softly near the smaller's ear.

Kokichi shivered as Kaito spoke near his ear, but he nodded.
"Y-yes Momo-chan..I will..Thank you." The leader buried his face into Kaito's shoulder.

The Astronaut chuckled, gently kissing Kokichi's forehead. Kokichi was shocked, though..he really liked this feeling. makes him feel special..

" a thing now?" The leader lifted his head from the astronaut's shoulder. He looked into the other's eyes, waiting for an honest answer.

That didn't really bother Kaito.
"Only if you want.." was all he said, simply.

"..i would love to..b-but.." Kokichi paused, biting his bottom lip. He really didn't want to bring the mood down, but Kaito did say he could tell him anything..

Kaito just stared at the boy that was on his lap, waiting for him to continue.

"but..i-i'm scared that i'll mess up- and and-"
Kokichi was about to ramble on and on- but luckily..Kaito stopped him by gently kissing Kokichi's soft lips.

Kokichi was surprised.

Another long chapter!! Hehee, sorry i had to leave it like that for now, unless i want to write more butw rjee it'll be like that now, next chapter might be up in a few days! i hope you enjoy this.

i notice that mostly at night like 3 am or soemthing bahahagejdn i write pretty well, i guess i'm better staying awake lmfaoo!
— abby

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