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   This can't be happening.. No way, now way in ever..

this is a killing game after all.

After that horrible and traumatic scene, it was quiet for a bit, everyone seemed to be at least concerned and of course scared.

"Behold! The magnificent underwater esca-" And Himiko soon realized what had happened when a familiar announcement came on.

Bing bong bong bing...

Kiibo was later on thrown onto the tank, causing him to scream. It was all because of Ouma's suggestion to break the tank. The water spilling to the ground, and the remaining of Ryoma had reached to the floor.

His bones.

There had been somewhat a conversation with, i guess you could call everyone. Kokichi just gave out a small tantrum about 'promise to not kill anyone after Akamatsu's death' is now a broken promise.

"WAAAAAAAAhhh, you guys lied!!!" Crocodile tears came out of Ouma's eyes, Shuichi just watched, concern and anxiety was just filled up in him at the moment. Of course, a death had just been shown right in front of everyone's eyes.

Monokuma and the monokubs then appeared and stuff happened, most likely explaining something.
——- ( I apologize i kinda forgot what they said 😰)

It was now investigating time, and Maki had left. Miu kept complaining about her "Bitchy attitude" Saihara just sighed and went to investigate the bones or for any other evidence. Of course at some point he had asked Himiko questions because she most likely was the one near/in the tank!

Tenko was on defense mode saying that "her" Himiko would never murder anyone.


Kaito had been trying to support his sidekick along the way of investigating, of course he tried to help as well, but his brain couldn't seem to help much.

Ouma was just there trying to mess things up, making most of the people upset and angry. Kaito seemed to be...Ok with it, but he also had a feeling Momota was feeling upset.

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