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      A couple hours after the dining hall, the detective ended up in the library, where Amami had died..and when Akamatsu got..executed.

He felt a sting in his chest as he thought about it.. he hated this feeling.. always happens when it's just the leader and astronaut together.

They seem like a good pair anyway..they  bicker all the time, but Shuichi could see them apologizing right after saying something possibly rude to each other.

"What's your honest feeling about, you know, Kaito and that brat?"
The sentence that Maki asked, it kept repeating over and over again in Shuichi's head..and once he thought about the answer to the question..it honestly hurt himself even more.

The detective could feel his eyes water up as he began to walk over to the exit of the library.


why does it have to be like this?



The lanky boy felt tears running down his cheeks, now running for his dear life towards his dorm.





stopped him.

and, oh no it's worse.

Saihara immediately bumped into the much shorter boy who was just walking in thought through the halls. It was very heavy pressure onto him which caused him to yelp in pain.

The detective noticed that it was Ouma.

The one that he has feelings for,

but it's onesided

all along.

suddenly the purple haired boy spoke up, clearly uncomfortable by the position they're in.

"Wow Saihara-chan! I didn't know you were into these things! " Ouma said, in a cheerful? but not so cheerful tone? That caused Saihara to worry.

"Ah! sorry-" Was all The detective said, immediately getting off and held his hand out in front of his supposed "lover" to help him up.

"nishishi! it's alrightt~ i guess you can pass this time." And with that, the liar skipped away. Leaving the detective behind, not even going to tease Saihara anymore?

The liar only got up himself and just left the detectve.

It made Saihara feel stupid.

Momota was with Harukawa training early which the astronaut suggested for just today. It caused the assassin to question, though she didn't really mind at all. The detective didn't know they were training so of course, it was only just the two of them.

it was honestly awkward through the training, it would mostly be the taller male trying to start up a conversation, but the other just stayed quiet. He just thought it would be better to keep shut for now.

Ever since the sudden change between the Liar and the Astronaut, it made Momota and his friendships with others difficult as well. It changed a lot.

Some people might seem the Astronaut a little different,, not really a hero, but most are okay with it which is good.

Just, most of them just don't like Ouma in general and is afraid he'll hurt the astronaut. Which is most likely wrong.. but others can't see that.
ONLY, just ONLY momota can see.

That's,, THAT's How much Ouma trusts him.

Everything is so different, so,, weird.

The astronaut finally realized.

I've been losing motivation, but it's alright, i'll keep trying to update when i can :) thank you for reading ^^

I know i said i'll update a long chapter, and i'm sorry for not doing what i said i was going to do.
i'll keep updating,
just not as a lot
unlike last time i post almost every night ^^"
i hope you understand

i apologize.

- abby

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