Chapter 2

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Kurogiri knocked on my door before he walked into my room; upon hearing his entrance turned my head to the door; I had already been up for a couple of hours before he had come in. I was sitting on my bed, tightening the laces on my boots; the iron supplement bottle was open next to me on the nightstand since I had forgotten to take them last night before bed.

I smiled at him when he entered, telling him a quick good morning as I stood up from my bed. "We got the plans done last night, correct?" I looked over at him, pinning my hair back so it didn't get in my face.

"Yes, that is correct, Y/N, so if there is anything you wish to do before we head out, I suggest you do it now," Kurogiri said to me in a monotone voice; I nodded in response, to which he closed the door. I grabbed my gloves, putting my mask down on my neck as I walked downstairs to the bar.

Shigaraki was already up, to no surprise, and sitting at the bar, I took a seat next to him and slipped my gloves on. He glances at me before taking another sip of his drink. "Those are new gloves." He said, not bothering to look over at me.

"Hm? Oh yeah, the ones I wore yesterday were all bloody from when I killed those three dudes, so I went ahead and stole new ones this morning. Sadly I didn't have any time to kill anyone."

Shigaraki looked at me with confusion written all over his face. "And why is that? You always kill at least one person when you go out." I smirked and raised the glove for him to see, tapping the symbol in the center of the glove. "Oh no, you didn't." He laughed and raised the glass to his lips, finishing the rest of the drink.

"Oh yes, I did. I might add that they are fresh off a police officer." That sentence made him even more confused.

"How can you have fresh gloves off a police officer without killing them?"

"Let us just say that if he doesn't go to the hospital very soon, he might bleed out. Though I doubt he can do anything without these." I laughed before I showed him a picture of the police officer's hands.

"So let me get this straight." He said slowly. "You chopped off a police officer's hands and then stole the gloves from said hands?" He smirked at me and nodded. "That's good; I'm impressed, Akumu."

I smiled when he called me Akumu and leaned back a little in my seat. "How long do we have to wait before attacking them?" I asked as Kurogiri looked at his watch.

"Well," he started. "They should be leaving around now, so in about thirty minutes. If you want to go to where the thugs are, be my guest, you know the location." I smiled again and nodded, standing up from my seat.

"Well then, I will see you guys there." I walked out the door after I had pulled my mask up; once again, climbing to the roof, I made my way to the location. I made my way inside the building before ending up in front of the crowd. "Alright, let's get this over with," I mumbled before standing up in the highest place possible.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "As many of you know, we are here to attack USJ to kill All Might." The thugs started to look my way, and I smirked. "Your job, seeing as you are on the bottom of the chain here, is to take care of the other heroes. There should only be two. Of course, we will also be there, so do not get in our way and do not embarrass us. This is our debut, and we want it to be perfect!" I yelled before sitting down on the box.

It wasn't long before a portal appeared beneath me on the ground; with a sigh, I made my way down, standing in front of the crowd. "Let us get this thing started, shall we?" I made sure I had everything before I turned around. "Do you all remember what I told you?" When they nodded back to me, I smirked and pointed a knife up the stairs toward the heroes. "Then attack," I smirked as I quickly got out of their way, ending up next to Shigaraki.

It wasn't long before Aizawa came rushing down to take care of the thugs. With a smile on my face, I appeared in front of the students with the help of Kurogiri. "Sorry to rain on your parade!" The smile on my face turned into a smirk. "But we just came to care for some business; then we will be out of your hair." I had two knives in my hands before throwing them at Thirteen.

I quickly avoided her black hole, and when the students tried to get away, that is where Kurogiri stepped in. "We can't have any of you escaping on us now. It's like you're trying to ruin all the fun!" I laughed before most of them disappeared. Kurogiri had teleported them around USJ, so they were out of our way.

When I saw there were remaining students, I summoned more knives. "Don't be scared, guys! I'm only going to rough you up a little!" I shouted before I summoned most of my knives, directing them to attack the students, all while I dodged their attacks. I was fighting for what felt like hours before the door was busted down. "Oh shit." I quickly mumbled before disappearing again, thanks to Kurogiri's portals.

"Hey, just telling you All Might is here." I pointed at the door, and Shigaraki sighed.

"Finally." He mumbled, "Eraserhead isn't enough entertainment for me. Thank god All Might showed up." Shigaraki rolled his eyes as the current number one picked up Eraserhead and another student before taking them far away from the fight scene.

"Now, what do we have here?" All Might spoke as he undid his tie and walked over to us. "A bunch of low-life criminals causing my students some trouble?" He cracked his muscles with a smile. "No one messes with them." He spoke before Shigaraki sent the Nomu to attack him.

All Might was beating up the Nomu like it was nothing, and Shigaraki had none of it. He scratched his neck like crazy but suddenly stopped when the portal around All Might's waist started to close, pressuring his body.

When the portal suddenly disappeared, I looked at Kurogiri to find him on the floor. Kept down by some low-life student, he leaned down and told Kurogiri something. I threw a knife at his throat, centimeters away from slicing him open to let him bleed. "Next time, I won't miss it!" I yelled at him. I looked over at Shigaraki, and when he nodded, I ran over, punching him onto the floor.

With Kurogiri freed, the battle continued; I pushed my foot on the student's chest and leaned down to the edge of my knife was inches from his heart. "I'll fucking cut you. Do not touch my teammate." I heard some students yelling, and when I glanced at them, he used his quirk and blasted me off him.

Groaning in pain, I held the wound I got off the ground, looking at the new students and the one I was just on top of. They seemed to be friends; I rolled my eyes and was going to attack them when the blonde started talking.

"Who the fuck are you!?" He practically spat the question at me while glaring, to which I returned the glare before the green one interrupted the one-sided conversation.

"Kacchan! That's one of the best villains alive right now. They call her Slicer because of her quirk..." He started to mumble about my quirk, which made me smirk before I shouted at him.

"It's fucking Akumu. I suggest you get it right before I cut you up and mail it to your relatives for Christmas!" I yelled at him, my hand clenching around a knife.

"Shut up fuckface!" The blonde shouted, which made me scoff.

"That's all you got? I'm the best goddamn person here, and you call me a fuckface?!" I smirked when I saw how mad he got. "Bingo," I whispered before he raised his hand to blast me. 

Words: 1418. 

I know this isn't how the show goes, but it would be boring if I recited everything they did. Anyways, thank you for reading chapter two! I hope you enjoyed it. 

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