Chapter 18

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-Time skip-

Mr. Aizawa was in the middle of a lesson when three people walked through the door. "Sorry for interrupting your class Aizawa!" The one who called out to Aizawa was blonde and from what you could tell he was built. His hair stood straight up and his eyes weren't what you would call normal which made you a little confused but you didn't bother to ask. Next to him is a girl with teal hair, at the bottom of her hair it looked like spirals which you thought was cool. The last one was another male with purple hair who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. "This is the big three so please introduce yourself."

They all nod and tell you their names, starting with the blonde who's name is Mirio. The girl with the teal hair introduced herself as Nejire then started to ask a bunch of questions about your classmates but none of them bothered to answer. The purpled hair male told you his name next which you learned was Amajiki, instead of them telling you their quirks Mirio decided to show you his. So you all got up and followed him to the gym.

He's on one end of the gym while you guys are on the other side. "Whenever you're ready come and attack me!" You watched as your classmates were hesitant about fighting him but they soon get confidence and go to attack him. But after a couple of minutes it's just you, Izuku, Bakugou and Fawn left. "Okay guys ready to take down this sucker!" You yell summoning a knife in your hand.

"Yeah!" They all yell and run towards him. Bakugou shoots explosions his way while Fawn quickly touches the ground and shoots it in his direction. You summon twenty knives and shoot them at him. Not hearing any cries you guys get confused and look around for him only to find him on the other side of the gym unharmed.

"Is that all you got!" He yells, throwing his hands out to the side. You guys all smirk at him while Fawn makes small movements in the ground. She gets his legs so he can't move, you teleport behind him and kick him in the back making him fall to the ground. Bakugou then makes an explosion so he can't see anything. Izuku then jumps on his back, you all hear a slight crack and all cringed. You were about to continue when Aizawa's scarf wrapped around you and pulled you back.

"I think that's enough guys, what are you trying to do? Kill him!" The four of us give a shrug and head back to the classroom.

"Okay well that was exciting!" He throws his hands up in the air. "You four did amazing!" He points at you, Fawn, Izuku and Bakugou.

The rest was boring talking until he got to work studies. "You all will be doing a work study, it's like the internships except it's with pro heroes who are bigger and retired pro heroes. You have till Friday to choose, so choose wisely." And with that he's asleep and the big three left. Your phone goes off but so does Fawn's, Bakugou's and Izuku's at the same time.

Everyone looks at you weird as you all gather up to see what the message is about. "It's for work." You say to them before huddling back in your group.

Shigaraki: Make sure you guys are here tonight, we have a visitor. And I mean all of you!

You gave a confused look at your phone before stepping out into the hall and calls Shigaraki. "Shigaraki what is the meaning of this?" You ask him as you pace outside the classroom door.

"We are meeting with Overhaul and I would like for you to be there." You stopped in your tracks and sighed, nodding even though he couldn't see it. Before you could respond he hangs up the phone.

"Are you serious! The haul!" You put your hand on your forehead and start to pace. "This guy can easily kill us. I mean what would he want with us!"After school was dismissed you quickly gathered your things when you had an idea. "Guys!" You called out and everyone looked at you. "First one home loses!"

Without another word you book it out the door and towards home. You hear explosions behind you that are getting louder by the second. You start to surf on your knives, once you get pretty far ahead you just disappear and reappear at the bar. You don't see Shinso so you sink to the floor in joy because you finally beat him. You're soon knocked onto your back. You look up to see Kota hugging your waist, laughing you pick him up and throw him in the air.

"Did you miss me Kota?" He nods his head yes as you continue to throw him up. You hear footsteps that make you stop throwing him, you look to the stairs to see Shinso coming down. "How!?" He just shrugs and takes a seat at the bar. "Did you get the boss's message?" He nods his head yes and you turn to Kota. "Okay Kota, we are having guests tonight, I won't be here so you need to behave." He nods his head and goes up to his room. Shigarki then comes downstairs. "When's the meeting?"

He looks at his watch. "It's in about an hour." You nod your head and we're about to head upstairs when the door is flung open with a loud noise.

You look over to see Fawn, Izu and Bakugou staring daggers into you, they all look out of breath and sweating. "That's cheating!" Bakugou points at you. "I said quirks and you didn't say anything about me not using my teleportation quirk so it was fair game. Now if you don't mind me the meeting is in an hour and I need to get ready." You turn on your heels and walk up the stairs to your room. 

Words: 1015

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