Chapter 20

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You run into this big empty room that looks like a gym, you stop a second to get a breather when you hear the wall break. You look back to see Overhaul and Mirio.

You set Eri down by the wall and get into a fighting stance. "Slicer, give me Eri and we can get out of here!"

"I'm not giving her up! Overhaul you abuse her and Mirio would just take her from me! She trusts me!" They come at you so you back up till you're in front of Eri.

You pick up Eri and hold her close. Overhaul makes the ground shoot spikes at you, you jump on every single one of them, dodging them.

"What does someone like you want with Eri!" Mirio yells at you.

"I want to give her something I never had! A loving family!" You continue to dodge their attacks, you grow tired of dodging and set Eri down.

You summon some knives and teleport half of them to Overhaul and half of them to Mirio. The knives attack them, leaving them cut up and bleeding.

You hear more footsteps, you look over to see Nighteye and Fawn. She touches the ground and makes a platform around Eri and lifts it up.

With Eri in the air you guys can go all out. Fawn makes the same spikes that Overhaul made and shoots those right back at him. While she dealt with him you dealt with Mirio.

You both look bad, both are bleeding pretty badly but he's bleeding more which is a good sign. You summon fifty more knives and shoot them at him all at once.

He tries to use his quirk while dodging all of them but he couldn't so he got cut by the majority. He runs up to you and tries to punch you but you caught his arm.

Before you could do anything else he kicks you in the stomach which makes you let go of his arm. You stumble back before tackling him to the ground.

"Okay Mirio! Time to end this once in for all! Looks like the girl is mine all along!" You then summon a knife in your hands and stab him in the heart, you repeat that process until the knife comes out clean.

You give an evil laugh before looking back up at where Eri is. She smiles at you and you smile back. "Y/N!!!!!!!" You turn to see Izu running at you.

You looked at him confused before you felt it. You look down to see a spike that went through you, the spike then comes out of your stomach and you fall to the ground.

You see Fawn, Eri and Izu all around you, Izu picks up your head and puts it in his lap. "You have to stay with me! You can't leave me, Eri or Kota! We all need you, they need their "mother"!

You chuckle at him, and caress his cheek that has tears flowing down. "Izu you have to take care of them now. I know the league will!" You take a pause. "Izu? I'm sleepy."

"Y/n you have to stay with me!" He then caresses your cheek that has tears flowing down. You start to flutter your eyes trying to stay awake.

"Please Izu, tell everyone I love them. Even Bakugou." You say before closing your eyes, before taking your last breath you feel lips on yours.

You open your eyes the best you can to see Izu, you close your eyes and try to kiss him back but fail. Instead you draw your last breath.

Izu pulled away and held your body close and screamed your name. Fawn let Eri down and she ran over to you begging you to wake up. Uraraka comes down to see you but starts to cry.

Then lastly Kirishima comes into the room to see what all the fuss is about to find Izu holding your lifeless body. He collapses to the floor and starts to cry with everyone else.

He lost his best friend even if they grew apart they were still friends. Eri and Kota lost someone who treated them like her own children. Fawn lost her best friend. Bakugou lost a friend. Izu lost his love of his life. And the league lost a good leader and a cheerful friend.


Thank you so much for reading all the way through this book! I know it's not very good but I just wanted to thank you for sticking with me! My Bakugou x reader book should be coming out with the first chapter soon so be on the look out for that!

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