Chapter 16

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This is a filler chapter, the next one might be better.

Everyone was hanging out in the main area when there was a knock on the door which followed by a voice calling out, "Pizza delivery!" You looked at everyone confused and went to answer the door but instead of the door opening, the wall was punched in and All might came through. Kami woods then followed into the building and trapped everyone in a bind, including you.

Dabi tried to get out of the binds by lighting them on fire but before he could do so Gran Torino came in and kicked Dabi in the face which made you gasp slightly. Sure you were all villains but they weren't giving you any mercy, glaring at the heroes coming into your base made you more pissed than ever. You look down at your hands only to see them not wrapped up in the binds which made you smirk.

You teleported behind Kami and kicked him in the back making his bind come undone on everyone. Next All Might came in and quickly went over to Bakugou, checking to make sure he wasn't hurt. You gave him a look but he didn't pay any attention to you and just told All Might to "Fuck off" which for some odd reason made All Might smile.

You looked away from them when you felt like you were throwing up, you opened your mouth and out came black goo which made you panic because you've never seen this before. Quickly looking over at everyone else in the Lov they also had black goo coming out of their mouths. It swallows you whole then makes you appear before All For One who was in his suit and mask.

You look around to see where you are when you see the rest of the League behind you which made you smile a little, you then see Mt. Lady, Best Jeanist and some other pro heroes you don't recognize who were either dead or unconscious. You got off the ground and dusted yourslef off only to see the rest of the League trying to attack Bakugou but you quickly step in. "Guys he's one of us, he agreeded to join us last night. Introducing Dynamite!" You usher toward Bakugou and he gives a little wave.

Before they could say anything All might show up to battle All For One which makes you scoff and turns your head away just in time to see and hear a loud noise go off. Ice shoots up in the air and you catch green lighting which makes you shake your head. Bakugou's eyes widned as he sees Kirishima hold his hand out for Bakugou to take. He then looks at you in which you give him a nod. "You should go they don't know yet." He then gives you a salute before exploding his way to Kirishima.

That's when it hit you. Kota. You look around and when he's no where to be found you make the rest of the league look for him. "Please let him be at the base." You mumbled to yourself before teleporting back to the base and searched the whole building but he was no where to be found. You go back downstairs and stand where All Might came through the wall to see Endevor and a whole bunch of Police men waiting in front of the building. "Where is he?" You yell at the police but they give you no response which made you hop down in front of them. "I asked you a question." You glared at them as they got their guns out. "I just want to know where Kota is."

"Why would we ever tell you. You're the one who kidnapped him." You looked at the man who happened to be the number two hero.

"I did not kidnapp him, he came with me willingly. So if you would please give him back that would be great." You heard a child cry out which made you snap your head in that direction. Kota was being held back by some police woman as he tried to get to you. You quickly teleported over to him and picked him up. "Don't you ever lay a hand on him ever again." She pulls out her gun but before she can shoot you had already teleported back to the League. He just lays his head on your shoulder and dosen't look at anyone else even as they come to check on him.

"Slicer, Shigaraki, and the rest of the league you need to leave." The sound of All For One speaking made us look at him but he then opens a portal right behind us. "You know where to go I'll be fine."

You all give him a sad look and Kota waves at him before stepping into the portal and into your new home. Nobody spoke a word and no one wanted to speak a word. All you did was go to your room and fall asleep with Kota.

You wake up to your alarm going off, you sit up trying not to wake up Kota. You get your uniform and then wakes Kota up, helping him get dressed, after you finish that you both go downstairs to see Shinso, Fawn and Izuku but that's it. "Do you guys know where the rest is?" You ask, putting Kota on your hip.

"They went on a mission and we can't go because we need to go to school or else people will get suspicious." Izu pipes in, you nod your head and they all grab a hold of you.

You go to the school and you start getting weird looks cause you have kid. "Kota you get to come with me okay? Now you need to be really quiet and don't speak okay?" He nods his head and you sigh of relief. You finally make it to class and walk in getting stares from your classmates. "Everyone this is Kota, I didn't have a babysitter so he's here. Please do not ask questions and keep to yourself."

They all nod at you, you walk over to your seat and put him on the desk while you get your stuff out for class. You look up to see Kirishima, you give him a little wave before going back to getting your stuff out. "Okay Koda you can play on my phone but it's gotta be silent." You hand it to him as he nods his head.

"Hey y/n?" You turn around to see Izu looking at the ground and being all shy which made you suspicious because he never is shy.

You pick his head up with your fingers despite him being taller, after his head is up he looks at you and starts blushing. "Can I help you Izuku?"

He mumbled something and blushed more once he finished but you sighed because you couldn't hear him. "Izuku you're gonna have to speak up cause I can't hear you."

"I asked if you wanted to go on a date after school..." He mumbled once again but louder, you smiled as the words left his lips and you laughed. "Hey Bakugou?" You turned to the blonde man who was sitting on his desk scrolling through his phone. He hums in response. "Can you look after Koda after school?" He nods his head and then you turn to Fawn. "Fawn, wanna go on a double date?"

She looks at you confused. "Who would I go with?" You point at Kaminari as both of their faces go red.

"I'll take that as a yes." You turn back to Izuku. "I would love to." You hear a pencil snap, you look over to see Uraraka with a broken pencil and staring daggers into you. You let go of Izuku and pull down your cheek with one finger, stick out your tongue and give her the middle finger with the other hand. Aizawa then walks into class and questions why there's a kid in the class and you explain the situation again. He shrugs and continues with the announcements.

"In a few weeks the provisional licenses are coming up, half the people fail and half pass. If you get this license you can use your quirks in public and can help at villain attacks." He takes a sigh before continuing.

"Also I will be going to all your houses to sign off on the dorm room." You grow tense and raise your hand.

"My parents aren't here, they're in America." That's a total lie, they think you're dead.

"So then you're automatically in congrats." He says, then Present mic walks in for English. You let go of the breath you didn't know you were holding all you wanted was for this whole thing to be over and done with.

Words: 1480

Villain's love, Deku x villain readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora