Chapter 6

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The next day I showed up to class listening to my music; Aizawa was walking behind me. I sat in my seat next to Midoriya but paid no attention to him as Aizawa spoke, "As you all know, the sports festival was a way for pros to scout you out, then they send in offers hencing the internships."

I zoned out after he said that; since I didn't technically participate, I had no offers. After he was done talking, I raised my hand. "Mr. Aizawa? I didn't participate, so what do I do?" I said innocently, which earned me a glare from my classmates.

He sighed. "Well, after that stunt you pulled with Bakugou, we can't afford to let you out in public, so I guess you can intern with me." He said before he fell asleep against the wall. I smiled before swiftly standing up and going up to him. I could tell the class was watching me as I poked Aizawa, trying to get him to wake up.

It was a solid two minutes before he peaked at me. "Can I help you?" He asked, quite pissed I disturbed his nap.

"I was gonna ask if I can take a piss." I pointed slightly at the door. "Don't get all pissy with me." I crossed my arms over my chest as he groaned.

"Yes, you can go, but so you don't get into any funny business. Take Midoriya with you." I groaned at the mention of his name before I nodded.

"Fine, fine," I turned around, holding my hands behind my back as I walked to the door. "Come on, Midoriya, off to the bathrooms we go!" I laughed as he scrambled to catch up to me. I hummed softly as I pulled out my phone; seeing a message from Shigaraki, I stopped in the middle of the hall.

"Y/N?" Midoriya asked, "What are you doing? The bathrooms are down the hall some more." His voice trailed off as I held a finger up to his lips, hushing him up as I held my phone up to my ear. 

When Shigaraki answered, I was quick to yell at him. " I'm in class! This can't wait until after I get done. This better be fucking good, so what do you want?"

"I planned a mission and need you and the new guy." He said in his scratchy voice; I sighed and pressed a hand to my forehead that was just on Midoriya's lips. I looked at him to see that he was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Do I get any details?" I asked, but instead of answering, he just hung up. With a groan, I texted Shinso to meet me outside before tucking my phone back into my waistband.

"Where are you going?" Midoriya stuttered out, his hands shaking slightly as if he was going to stop me.

I smirked at him, "I'm going to go on a mission. Keep quiet and cover for me while I'm gone. Can you do that for me, doll?" I asked, leaning in slightly to his face. His face became red before quickly nodding; I chuckled and pulled away from him before walking down the hall and outside, where Shinso was waiting for me.

"Shigaraki didn't give me any details, so I don't know what kind of mission we're doing. Hope you're okay with that." I didn't wait for him to respond before we made our way to the hideout. Once we get to there, I quickly got changed into my costume. I put my mask around my neck as I went back downstairs; I saw Shinso wearing a suit and a mask that covered only his mouth as mine did. I also saw Shigaraki and Kurogiri sitting at the bar. "So what's this plan?" I asked while I took a seat next to Shigaraki.

"Well, we are robbing a bank; we need to do something since our plan at USJ failed" I nodded in understanding as he went over every detail of the plan; I hadn't done a mission like this in ages, so I was practically bouncing in my seat.

"So when are we leaving?" Shinso asked as he looked at Shigaraki, adjusting his suit a little after standing up from his seat at the bar.

Kurogiri looked at his watch and opened up a portal. "Right now." He ushers all of us into the portal before walking through it.

Shinso entered the bank first to hypnotize the receptionist before she could call security; once he gave us the okay, I barged through the door and summoned some knives in case anyone tried to call security or run for it.

"Kurogiri? Can you get us in the vault?" I asked while glancing at him, and in return, he shook his head.

"I can't; I don't know where it is. Sorry." I nodded and went up to the woman; I flicked my hand and cut her a little on her cheek. She broke out of the spell and looked at me in horror like she had just seen a scary movie for the first time.

"Now, please lead us towards the vault, and I'll think about letting you live!" I yelled at her, and she quickly started walking with the crew and me following her. After a couple of minutes, I finally made it to the vault.

I gripped her hair before slamming her into the wall. "Please, Please let me go! You said you would let me go!"

I laughed and smirked widely. "I don't show anyone mercy." Her eyes widened as I slit her throat and watched as the blood poured out of her by the second. I let go of her, and she slid down the wall and onto the floor. I turned around to see them all staring at me. "What? Do I have blood on my face?"

They shook their head as I stood next to Kurogiri. "How do we get inside?" But before I got an answer, I was inside the vault with all the money. "I feel like this was too easy!" I exclaimed while throwing the money into bags; once the bag was complete, I threw it into the portal that led to the base.

"Hey, Kurogiri? I'm going to go to the rooftop. I think our little friends have arrived." I smirked as I made my way to the rooftop; I ran over to the edge and peered over just in time to see the cops surrounding the front of the building. If they were going to step onto my playground, I had every right to play with them.

I had a knife go down to the cops before I started killing them one by one. A good couple of minutes went by before the cops noticed that they were being killed off. I laughed as I sat on the ledge and dangled my legs over the roof's edge; this action alone was enough to catch the attention of the remaining cops.

In the back of the crowd, I saw class 1-A showing up; I stood on the edge of the building. "You guys are stepping onto my playground. I'm warning you that this won't end well for you right now."

I tried to summon more knives but couldn't. "Ah, Aizawa, sorry I left class without warning, but I had business to attend to." He glared at me, and I laughed at his reaction. My eyes caught Midoriya's, and I winked at him. "Thank you for covering for me, Midoriya; I'll make sure to buy you something nice with all this money we stole!" I yelled and laughed again before pressing on my earpiece. "Kurogiri, are you guys almost done with the money?"

"Yes, Akumu, everyone is already back on the base; we are waiting for you to come back. I'm opening a portal for you now."

I nodded and turned my attention to the group in front of me. "Sorry to cut this short, guys, but I gotta go. It was nice playing with you all!" I looked down at the building and smirked. I saw the portal open up halfway down the building; hearing Aizawa shout something, I turned around, so my back was to the crowd before I started to fall backward; I heard more calls before I disappeared in front of their eyes and was caught by Shinso in the bar.

He smiles slightly and sets me down. "So, how was your first mission?" I asked, putting my hands on your hips.

"Do you guys always do that?" I chuckled at his question and smiled, but then I nodded and headed upstairs to change.

Words: 1430

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