Chapter 9

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After Izuku joined our side, the rest of the internship week was boring except for the events that happened on Friday. The Hero Killer, Stain, attacked Iida, and it just so happens that Iida had to call for backup cause Iida was not strong enough to take Stain on alone. It was just our luck that he had called Midoriya, who called Todoroki. Stain knew Izuku had joined our side, but he had to hurt him anyways, so no one got suspicious.

Ultimately, all three got poorly hurt and had to be admitted to the nearest hospital. Once I heard that Izuku was in the hospital, I changed out of my villain costume before going to the receptionist. I kindly asked where he was being held, trying not to sound rude. She smiled and told me the room number where I left the desk and went straight to the room.

Before I could go in, Shinso pulled me off to the side. "Hey, you need to calm down." He told me, putting my hands on my shoulders. "You're here because you are his classmate, not his villain buddy, okay?" I nodded and took a deep breath before entering the room.

Upon entering, all eyes were on me. Shoto and Iida glared at me, but Izuku smiled with that big ass grin. Todoroki stood up quickly and was about to attack me when I put my hands up. "I'm just here to check up on my classmates. Can I not do that?"

He hesitantly nodded and sat back down in his bed; I smiled softly at them before I walked over to Izuku's bed. I stood beside it with my arms over my chest before glaring at him. "Y/N, don't even say it." He glares back up at me, and I hit him over his head, Shinso's words leaving my mind. "Ow! Y/n, that hurt!" He says, rubbing his head.

"You're so lucky you're in the hospital, or I would have your head on a platter and eat it for dinner!" His eyes widened, and he put his hands up to try and calm me down, but it was not working. Shinso stood behind me, ready to step in at any minute.

"You think she's joking, but she's not. She will take your head." He crossed his arms over his chest with a slight smirk.

Izuku gives a little yelp which makes the other boys confused. I forgot they were there. "You can't do that! What happened to making me adored?!" Izuku called out, forgetting there were others in the room.

"You'll be adored with all the other food I eat for dinner!" I started to yell at him, and Todorki came over, pulling me away from Izuku."Hands off me fuck face." I pull myself from his grasp, "If you ever touch me again, I will chop off your head and send it to your dad in a box with a tight little bow." I jabbed at his chest, but he didn't move.

"I think you need to leave, villain. Izuku doesn't need your damn sympathy." He glared at me, not even acknowledging what I had just said.

"Oh my god, that's so cute coming from you! No one can take you seriously, doll, with that huge ass scar on your face." I smirked as his eyes widened.

"Y/N, that wasn't necessary!" Iida yelled at me, and I turned to him.

"What are you going to do? Cry to your big brother? Oh, wait, you can't!" I laughed and smiled at all their reactions. I turned to the doorframe where Shinso was looking out of the door.

"Y/N, you have trouble, and it's coming fast..." I stood next to him in the doorway and looked at where he was looking. Down the hall and approaching fast was the chief of police. The chief and I made eye contact before he started walking more quickly toward the room.

I looked back at Izuku and smiled. "Well, I'd love to stay, but I suddenly have some business to attend to." I went to leave the room but bumped into what I can only assume was the chief. I didn't even have to look up to know it was him.

"Sorry, Slicer, but I'm afraid we can't let you leave."

I glared up at him, "You, of all people, should know it's not fucking slicer. It's Akumu. Get it right next time."

"I would love to stay and chat, but I have to leave; as I said before, I have some business to attend to." I took a couple of steps toward the window on the opposite wall of the doorway. "I'll see you all later tomorrow!" I smiled wide before laughing and jumping out of the window, falling onto the ground outside. Once I got up and dusted myself off, I quickly returned to the base before anyone could come after me.

Words: 810

Sorry, this chapter is shorter than the rest, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways!

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