Chapter 17

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Right now you're on your way to the provisional licenses exams while sitting next to Izuke, somewhere along the way you had passed out and you had your head on Izuku's shouler. You had Kurogiri watch Kota which means you could finally get some sleep which you desperatly needed.
After what seemed like hours you finally make it to the place and got off the bus after Izuku woke you up, you trugged off of the bus but kept close to him. You were mid yawn when someone laughed loudly which startled you, You look over to see a chick with green hair, a bandanna and baggy pants. You groan at the pro hero Mrs. Joke as she talks to Aizawa.

Then a black haired brown eyed male comes over and grabs Kaminari and Fawn's hands as he talks, he walks over to you but dosen't seem to recognize you. He grabs your hands as he talks, "I haven't seen you around, are you new?" You shook your head and went to speak but Izuku steps in between you two, glaring slightly at the male.

Shindo gets the message and backs off of you, you give him a litte smile before turning towards Izuku and giving him a reassuring smile. You stand next to Aizawa as the rest of the class leaves to change into their uniform, you huff as Aizawa explains the situation to miss joke then after that is done you all go find a seat in the big arena where the exams will be held.

"First 100 to pass goes onto the next round, and with that begin." He then goes off the speaker. You laughed slightly as you heard shouts and screams at the simple sentence, but finally it dies down and the schools spread it.

You quickly spot your class and keeps an eye on them the whole time, You looked over to see Aizawa preoccupied with miss Joke so you don't think he would notice if you slipped away and that's exactly what you did. Appearing next to Izuku you ask the game plan, "I know I'm not supposed to be here but I can't let you have all the fun!"

"Y/N you're in your school uniform!" Izuku pointed to the skirt you were wearing and if you were going to be fighting it would cause a problem.

"I'll be fine Izuku don't worry, just foucs on getting to the next round!" He sighed before nodding and they went back to discussing plans but you soon got bored and pulled Fawn somewhere else where there is people. "We can't go somewhere this populated and not kill people." You told her as you both came across some people from a different school. Fawn spots them too and touch the rocks, controlling them. She sticks out her hand at the ground and goes around their ankles so they can't move.

You then teleport Fawn up to where they are and touch their buttons making her pass and making them fail. "It looks like you have your first person who has passed. Please head to the front where the door is and head inside."

You smirk and the people who are out and toss a knife between your hands, you look over at Fawn who has the same face as you do. You press your ear piece to contact the other two. "You don't care if we kill people right?"

"Just don't have all the fun and keep the killing to a minimum!" Just Izu replies to you which makes you think Bakugou's is busy. You look back at the people to find one of them already dead. You throw your hands down. "Already Fawn geez!" You yell at her before killing the other person.

You then teleport them to Dabi and explain the situation, he then burns and disposes of the bodies and you go back to the exam. You and Fawn run towards the door only to realize you're not the first people there, you see Todoroki and Izuke there.

You run over to Izuke. "So did you do it?" He whispers to you. You chuckle. "Of course I never back down from killing someone." You whisper back. "I also got Dabi to dispose of the bodies for me, I didn't check up and Kota which I probably should've done."

You guys continue to talk as more people start to arrive, soon the whole class is there in which the whole class celebrates before moving onto the next round. Because you weren't supposed to be participating you didn't help the people in the next round, the only time you interfered was when Gang Orca showed up. While Todoroki and wind dude are fighting you teleport and throw knives at Orca hoping to catch him off guard. You get a cut on him but now his attention is turned towards you.

He runs towards you and you run towards him, he goes for a punch but you grab his arm and spin stabbing him in the stomach which makes him topple over holding his stomach. Then you walk over to him and grab his head then bring your knee up to meet his forehead, he tells you to stop but you don't listen. You then jump up and summon more knives and bring them down on his back making him go flat on his stomach.

He rolls over and you give him a smile, your one move away from killing him! You can't stop now! You summon all you can and you are about to bring them down when someone grabs you down to the ground.

You flail around in their arms begging for them to let you go. You turn around to see Camie, you give her a confused look but then she pulls you somewehre else and turns into Toga. You quickly get out of her arms and gives her a hug "Oh my god Toga! You didn't tell me this is what you were doing today! Did you kill a few people?" You whisper the last part to her and she nods which makes you laugh.

You look back over at Orca who's still laying on the ground with medical people surrounding him, you turn to Toga. "I'll see you at home okay?" She nods before you teleport her there. You run back over to Orca and push your way through. "Orca I'm so sorry! I think I went a little too far with this whole villain thing!" You even cry a few fake tears.

"I'll be fine. You did really well congrats on passing!" And with that he waves you off so you turn on your heels and skip away to where the results are.
You checked the results and saw that Izuku passed, he turned to you and hugged you tight slightly picking you off the ground. You smiled wide and hugged him back the best you could before he set you down and went back to the locker room to change. You went to the bus and waited for him to come back out before you loaded the bus together but this time it was his turn to fall asleep on you instead of the other way around.

Words: 1211

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