Chapter 13

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After what felt like hours the rest of your class shows up, the looks on their faces was pure shock on how you three had already had gotten here. You chuckled slightly at their faces before picking Kota up and walking to the hot springs with everyone following you. Your classmates got in but you and Kota just stayed on the top and played go fish. You were about to win when you hear Mineta screaming, you look over the edge to see him climbing the wall. As he gets closer he sees how mad you are but doesn't acknowledge it and keeps going.

"You motherfucker I was about to win!" You scream at him and lean over slapping him back down to the men side, you lean a little more over before giving him the middle finger before you felt Kota trying to help you back up. You looked back at him and smiles softly before gripping the railing and trying to sit back down. What you didn't expect was your arms to slip and you go over the railing which made you gasp.

You close your eyes and tries to teleport but you can't concentrate enough to do so, you opened your eyes again to see the ground get closer and closer, your eyes flickered in the direction of what seems to be green lighting. Your eyes widened as you see Izuku jump up and moves in your direction but his eyes widened as he yells something at you but you didn't hear him.

That's when you felt it. The ground. You landed on the ground and most likley breaking something, you slammed your head on the ground in the process. After you hit the ground you didn't do anything but lay there, you heard someone screaming and something warm on your ear. You were very familiar to this warm feeling which you recognized as blood. The last thing you saw was Izuku over you looking worried before slipping unconscious.

You didn't feel your body being picked up nor did you hear the little childs cries as you were carried away from him and to the pro heroes, even if you were a villain you were still their responsibility to help when you get hurt. They checked on your wounds and where you were bleeding from before wrapping your wounds accourndingly. They laied you in a spare room out of sight and went to reassure everyone that you would be just fine. Izuku on the other hand was deeply worried both about you and how with would effect the plan of kidnapping Bakugou. Never the less he knew you would go through with the plan cause you were stubborn like that.

You wake up to the sound of feet shuffling, you cracked your eyes open to see Izuku getting dressed in his Pe uniform, he looked at you and smiled wide. "Y/N you're awake!" You nodded and sat up before swinging your legs over the bed and standing up.

"What's with the outfit? Are we training today?" He nods and hands you your uniform then leaves the room so you can get changed. After you change into the outfit you jogged after Izuku and walked with him to where the rest of your class was waiting.

"Welcome to your first day of training. You might've though that this camp was just to have fun well sorry to burst your buble but it's not. Here we are going to push your limits to the max then push you more. You're training to be pro heroes so we are going to push you to be pro heroes. Is there any questions? There shouldn't be so let's get started." They all nod before he starts handing out assignments.

He finally gets to you. "Y/n even though you're a villain and you took quite a tumble yesturday we're still gonna train you, so your task is to summon more knives than your limit without passing out. So for your task you will summon 5 knives for everyone in the class so we have twenty two students so that's 110 knives which is a lot so get too it."

And with that he walks off leaving you to make 110 knives, with a sigh you start making knives and counting. Thirty minutes later you finally made 110 knives without passing out, but you were bleeding from your head and your hands badly. You weakly walk over to where Aizawa was who was talking to Kirshima.

You groan but you hurt too much to care, so you continued to trudge over to him. You tap on his shoulder, he turns towards him and you give him a weak smile. "I finished without passing out, all the knives are over there but I think I made 115 knives. Oops." You give him a shrug and chuckles softly, bleeding tremendously from your hands, everywhere you went left a blood trail.

He gives you a small smile along with a little nod. "Good job y/n you can go to the nurse now, Kirishima will escort you there."

You turn around and slowly start to walk before your feet are no longer touching the ground and you feel an arm under your thighs and another arm around your back. You look up to see Kirishima carrying your bridal style, but you were too tired to care. Instead you put your head in his chest and pass out.

He sets you down in the bed and leaves you but before he leaves you grab his arm, he turns to you not realizing you woke up. "Can you get Izuku please?" He looks at you with sad eyes but nods before heading out and getting Izuku for you. Minutes later Izuke comes in to see you staring at him, you finally acknowledge it's him your face lights up and you quickly usher him over. He laughs at you as he walks over to your bed. You then pat the space next to you, he climbs into the bed with you. 

You smile as you lay down on the bed next to him and slowly falled asleep, after you did so he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer and passes out next to you. Minutes later Recovery girl comes in to see you guys cuddling each other.  She laughs to herself before turning off the lights and shutting the door behind her, leaving you guys to sleep in peace. 

Words: 1087

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