Chapter 14

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A/N: Thank you so much for 100 views, I really didn't think this would happen! Thanks again and here's chapter 14!

You wake up and without even having to look at your phone you realize that it's the third day of camp, smiling wide you got changed and ran out to the training grounds where everyone else is already waiting. "Mr. Aizawa, I'm here for training, sorry for sleeping late!" You happily say to him which makes him raise an eyebrow at how happy you are since you're mostly in a 'I want to kill everyone mood'.

Seeing you this happy made him ask, "Why are you so happy?"

You shrugged but soon smiled at you look at him. "I feel like something exciting is happening today! So what's my training?"

He looks at his clipboard. "I was more than pleased with your results yesturday so you don't have any. Go find someone to hang out with." He shoos you away, which made you turn on your heels and skip away to find Izu.

Once you found him you grabbed him by his shoulders. "Izuku are you ready for today!?" You practically scream at him. He eagerly shakes his head as he continues to train.

Izuku suddenly stops training and looked at you. "You should bring Fawn here so we can leave right away if we need to." You nodded at his suggetion and teleported to Fawn, once you got to her you grabbed her by her shoulder and teleported you back to Izuku.

"Guys I might have promised to take care of someone...Kota wants to come with us as long as we protect him and take care of him like he's one of our own." You looked at the both of them expecting them to be mad but neither of them seem to be mad. They smiled softly at you before Izuku nods, signling that you could go talk to him.

You quickly hugged both of them before teleporting away. You finally find him on a cliff with a beautiful view. "Kota we're attacking tonight, I'll try my best to keep you safe and I'll try my best to keep you. I won't let you go." You say taking a seat next to him .

He crawls into your lap and you put your hands around him so he doesn't fall. "Y/n will you ever hate me?" He asks, staring up at you.

You shake your head. "I would never!" You exclaim squeezing him tighter which makes him laugh. Your phone goes off which makes Kota squirm in your lap. You laugh at him as you go for your phone, you see it was a text from the group chat.

Shigaraki: Remember we're attacking tonight and bringing back Bakugou.

Toga: Got it.

Slicer: We might also bring someone else home with us.

Shigaraki: Who is it?

Slicer: His name is Kota and he wants to come with us. He's five years old and he's super nice!

Kurogiri: He willingly wants to come with us?

Slicer: Yep so he's coming with us and if everyone hurts him I will kill them no hesitation. Toga's not taking his blood.

Toga: I wasn't going to, he's too young!

Dabi: Whatever, he's your responsibility.

And with that you put your phone away and spend time with Kota. After a couple of hours you hear your name being called so you teleport you and Kota down to the campsite. "Where you guys, you were gone like all day!" Fawn throws her hands in the air.

You shrug. "I was hanging out with Kota geez calm down. But hey we only have a couple more hours before we attack this place!" Now you threw your hands up in the air.

Then Izu comes over holding his phone. "Guys I just gotta call from Shinso, we better go get ready." You all smile at each other before going to get your costume on. Once you got yours on you wait for Fawn before teleporting to Izu, grabbing him and teleporting to the bar. Once you get the you see Twice and Mr. Compass with the rest of the squad.

You stand in front of them all with a smirk on your face. "Are you ready to attack!?" You yell at them and in return they all nod their heads.

"Okay so we need to go over the plan again?" They all shake their heads which makes you happy that they were actually paying attention.

"In case you aren't or didn't pay attention to the group chat, I am bringing a kid back with us and no I don't mean Bakugou, so don't attack him, but if you try and and hurt him I will kill you no hesitation." You hold a knife and give a creepy smile which makes them all sweat drop.

A couple hours go by before you teleport everyone to the camp grounds. Deep into the forest where no one should find you. "Everyone got their earpiece?" They all nod their heads.

"Okay first twice make a copy of Dabi, the fake one will go to the student in the building and the real one will start a fire in the forest." They do as you say as you talk. "Toga, Deku and Dabi you'll attack the students in the forest.

"Mr. Compass will capture Bakugou, Shinso and I will fight the heroes in the front of the forest, if any of you get done early come help us and Deku." You look at him. "Get Kota and do not let him go, even if it costs you your life."

He nods his head and everyone then goes their separate ways. You teleport you and Shinso to the hero's and see Mange with the blue doll under her hammer. You see the red cat go for Spinner, you teleport behind her and slash her back. She stumbles back a little bit before getting her balance. She takes off running again and makes Spinner flustered and tries to slash him but Spinner dodges and you kick her in the side making her fall to the ground. The fight went on for several minutes then all of a sudden Izuku comes out of the blue and kicks the red doll away from you guys. You look at him with a smile but it quickly turns into a frown.

"Deku where's the child!?" You scream at him.

"Aizawa used his scarf and took him from me and ran into the forest!" You turn on your heels and run into the forest hoping to find Kota.

You can hear him screaming to let him go so you run faster, in the distance you see Aizawa running with Kota looking over his shoulder. You put a finger up to your lips signaling for him to be quiet, he slowly stops screaming and nods his head. You then jump up and start jumping from tree branch to tree branch.

Eventually you get in front of them and drop down. "I think you have something that belongs to me!" You point a knife at Kota who's smiling at you. You press your earpiece. "Deku, Toga and Dabi I found the kid, Aizawa has him, have Kurogiri teleport you here and help me." In a matter of seconds Toga and Deku arrive and get into fighting stances. "Give us the kid Aizawa and you won't get hurt!" You shout at him.

He shakes his head and gets into a fighting stance, Kota looks scared but you give him a reassuring smile. Toga makes the first move and throws a syringe at Aizawa. While that happens she also runs up to him with her knife ready to stab him, you make extra knives to help her. With him distracted you teleport over to Kota and grab him. "Toga, Deku take care of him. I'm going to the meeting spot!" And you take off running, you hear a noise and look up and see Compress flying through the air and a couple seconds later you see students flying after him.

You smirk and teleport to the meeting spot where you see Kurogiri and Compress waiting. Kurogiri opens a portal to the bar and we all slowly walk through but before we do we all turn around and give a little bow. "Thank you all for being a splendid audience but I'm afraid this show must come to an end." Compress then sticks out his tongue to reveal two little marbles holding the students. Out of nowhere a laser comes and shoots his mouth making the marbles drop, Dabi catches one and laser guy catches the other one.

Dabi then opens the marble to reveal Bakugou and wraps his hand around his neck and pulls him into the portal. A couple seconds later Deku and Toga run and jump through the portal along with Spinner and Mange.

Last but not least you give a little bow and Kota gives a wave as you go into the portal and it closes.

Words: 1510

Villain's love, Deku x villain readerWhere stories live. Discover now