Chapter 8

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I stood in the back of the crowd next to Izuku with my hands behind me as he waited for his train. "Midoriya, when you come back, I better hear all about it," I said as we approached his train. He didn't say anything in return as he stepped into the train. A couple of minutes later, the train pulls out of the station. After it had left, I turned back to Aizawa, who's got a slight smirk on his face.

"You like him, y/n." He says as we make our way back to UA.

I shook my head and turned my head to look at him. "I'm not interested in anyone right now. Thank you for the suggestion, though. Now enough about romance; what are we doing for training?" I asked as we made it to the training ground.

"During your internship," He started, "We will mainly be focusing on hand-to-hand combat, I saw you fight at USJ, and I watched your fight with Bakugou at the sports festival; I will say that you know how to do hand-to-hand, but from what I've seen you rely on your quirk too much." I watched as he stood opposite me on the field.

I nodded to myself and got in a fighting stance. After a couple of seconds, he came running at me, but I stood there in my fighting pose. He got to me and threw a punch, but I dodged it and tried to punch him in the stomach. He grabbed my arm, spun me around, and twisted my arm. He let me go, and we both got into a fighting stance again. He then came at me again and threw another punch. I leaned to the side, grabbed his forearm, spun, and elbowed him before throwing him over my shoulder. It took him a minute, but he got up and gave me some pointers. After a couple of hours of training, he dismissed me to go home.

I picked up my stuff and made my way back to the bar. I saw Shinso sitting at the bar, doing his homework which made me giggle, hearing that he turned in his seat to face me. "So, how did it go?" He looked at me as I sat in a chair next to him.

"Didn't allow him to talk. I said that people adored me and that he should think about it." I looked at him and smiled. "But enough about him. Are you ready to get a new quirk?" He nodded his head and stood up from his seat. "Just some things beforehand. It does hurt, but not for long, and we can't show or tell anyone we got a new quirk. Okay, they'll get suspicious if we both come back with new quirks." He nodded again before we both made our way to where All For One was being held.

We soon appear in front of him, and he smiles at us, glancing at Shinso but doesn't bother asking. "Sir, it's been a while, hasn't it?" I crossed my arms and stood in front of him with a smirk.

He gives me another smile. "Welcome back. What can I do for you today?"

I laughed, and my smirk turned into a smile. "I think you know. I want a healing quirk. This way, I don't have to rely on anything else but myself. I even got the downsides! The only way I can heal myself is if I sleep." I gave a little bow at the end of my small speech and walked towards him. I then took a kneel, and he placed his hand on my head. I felt some energy run through me. After a couple of seconds, he took his hand off me, and I stood up.

I looked at Shino, and he nodded, stepping forward to explain his new quirk. "I want the ability to create and control fire, I already have the quirk to control someone, so I was thinking that I need a damage quirk."

All for one nodded his head and ushered him to kneel in front of him, Shinso did as he was told, and All for one placed his hand on Shinos's head. He gritted his teeth as the pain overwhelmed his body. After a couple of seconds, he stood up and tried to create fire. Then he finally got a little patch of fire dancing in his hand.

"Also," All for one started. "I made you fireproof."

Shinso turned towards him and gave a little bow, much like I did. "Thank you so much, All for one."

All for one, waved it off. "It's no big deal. Now off you go!" He ushered us to leave. I left with Shinos and made our way back to the bar. We smiled at each other and then returned to what we were doing before we went to get new quirks.

I was in my room doing my homework at my desk when I heard a loud clatter coming from downstairs. I quickly got up and made my way downstairs with a knife in my hand. "Who's there?!" I yelled out into the open. My eyes caught movement behind the bar, so that is where I threw my knife. The person that was behind the bar let out a yelp before they peered over.

"Izuku, what are you doing here?! I about killed you." I sighed and made my knife disappear before rubbing my forehead. "Secondly, how did you even get here?"

"I put a tracker on your case." He smiled innocently and pointed to my case, which had my hero costume. I was required to have one, but it did not look much different from my villain costume.

"Well, what did you want?" I responded to him, walking closer until I stood before him.

He stared at me, a black expression on his face. "I want to be adored." He had to say that before I stuck my hand to him.

"Welcome to the team Deku." He looked at me and smirked, shaking my hand in return.

Words: 1003

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