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The dark, gloomy sky hovered over the Sith temple on the lone planet of Xinolas.
A girl walked along the flat, rocky terrain of the planet, and cautiously entered the temple.
Soon, she stopped in her tracks, staring at a faint red glow. She continued walking over to it, and realizing this was a Sith Holocron.
The girl steadily grabbed it, but as she attempted to lift it off the base, a ghostly hand emerged from it abruptly, causing it to slip from her hands.

"They will avenge the Sith!" the phantom voice of Darth Nihilus exclaimed.

The girl stumbled back in fear. "What is this?" she said in distress, and igniting her saber.

"I was with them, and the Jedi defeated us" he said in a grueling voice.

"What should I do?" she asked.

"Find them, and tell that Nihilus sent you" At that moment, Nihilus vanished.

The girl lifted the Sith Holocron up with the Force, and used the energy to break it open.

Suddenly, the sky became dark and thundering. Red lightning crackled through it violently.
The girl ran out of the temple hastily, avoiding the large strikes of electricity.
She then heard a voice echo from the temple.

"You have released us all, now you will pay, in destruction!"  It boomed. More lightning struck, then, a powerful bolt blasted her forward into the ground.

"I can't believe I did that" she muttered.

The girl located her ship nearby, and escaped the planet, locating her next destination, Ajan Kloss, home of the Resistance base.

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