The Battle of Xinolas Begins

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All fighters, pilots, and militias gathered their weapons for the final battle, when they were called into briefing by General Poe Dameron.
Everyone gathered and stopped to listen.

"We thought Palpatine was the end, and in his defeat, we thought it was all over" he started.
"These new entities are worse, we dont know their power like we knew of Palpatine's. They are ancient beings"

"Is there a way we can send them back to where they came from?" Connor asked. "Like back into the Holocron, maybe even destroy it"

Aaron nodded. "We'd have to get past the Sith Trooper army since they're blocking the temple"

"That's what this one is for" a Resistance fighter called out. "Our army makes way for the Jedi to do their Jedi business"

"Are we all ready to fight for our lives?" Poe said to everyone.

They all nodded.

Poe looked around. "If we didn't save the galaxy before, we will now"

The Resistance marched down to the large, rocky field, where the Sith Temple stood.
Waiting for them, were Ajunta and Tor Valum, along with an army of Sith Troopers.

"So, you've decided to come out of hiding" Ajunta said.

"Yes, and we have built our army more" Connor replied. "Enough to eliminate yours"

"It's not just us" Tor Valum assured him.

The sky darkened, and the clouds burst lightning down to the battlefield.
Out of the crashes of lightning, three figures emerged.
A Zabrak, a hooded man, and a man like machine.

"We have also built our army" Tor Valum sneered.

Aaron's eyes widened. "This can't be" he muttured.

Suddenly, the clones disappeared as a bright flash of lightning almost blinded the Resistance.

"They'll be busy starting their destruction on different planets" Ajunta informed. "And you can't escape this to save it"

Four transports flew above the Resistance.
Kenith smirked. "That's why we have pilots"

"And they will all die in the hands of the Sith" Ajunta raised his voice in annoyance.

Tor Valum started sparking force lightning from his fingers, eyes glowing a faint red.
"We know your plan of action, and we wont let you acquire it" he said in a gruel voice.

"You don't know the Jedi and the capabilities they posses!" Aaron yelled.

"Then we shall find it out" Ajunta replied, and ignited his saber, along with Tor Valum.

Connor, Crystal, Kenith, Jiro, and Rey all ignited their sabers at once.
Resistance fighters lifted their blasters.
The army of Sith Troopers ignited their sabers.
Thus, another battle begun between the Jedi and Sith centuries later.

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