The Raid

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Aaron and Connor were continuing their study of the Jedi texts, when a lightsaber ignition caught their attention.
The sound continued, and the humming was growing louder and closer.

"What is that?" Aaron mumbled, walking out of the base.

Three Sith Troopers had found and planned to raid their base to keep the Resistance out of hiding. These troopers were equipped with lightsabers similar to Ajunta and Tor Valum.

"They must've sent these guys to find us!" Connor exclaimed igniting his saber.

They clashed sabers with the troopers, who outnumbered them, almost making it impossible to fight them off.

"Where are the others?" Connor grunted through lightsaber swings.

"There is no other" a Sith Trooper responded, raising his saber.

Aaron rushed toward Connor to block the attack, when a blaster bolt shot through the trooper's head.
Two young men, around the same age of Aaron and Connor, came to assist them.

"No other troopers left once we finish them off!" one of them cheered.

"Who are you guys?" Connor turned to them, holding off a Sith Trooper.

"I'm Jaikob" the long, brown haired man responded. "This is Mi'kel" Jaikob pointed to a man with short black hair.

"We answered the Resistance's message and came here" Mi'kel informed them.

"Thanks" Aaron said. "But can you help us fight the rest of these guys off?"

Jaikob reached out from his belt a lightsaber dagger and started slicing through the troopers.

"Where did you get that?" Connor noticed out of the corner of his eye.

"Never mind that now" Jaikob replied.

Suddenly, Jaikob blasted off into the air, grabbed the arm of a trooper, and threw him off the mountain.

"Is that a JETPACK?" Connor exclaimed.

"He's full of tricks" Mi'kel told him.

A few more troopers attempted to get by them and attack the Resistance, but were shot down by Mi'kel.

"Pretty sure that's the last of them" Mi'kel sighed in relief.

The group walked back to the base, putting away their weapons.

"So how did you guys meet?" Aaron asked Jaikob and Mi'kel.

"We were originally bounty hunters for the First Order" Jaikob told them. "But we escaped them after realizing that life wasn't for us"

Mi'kel joined in. "We got into pod racing for money, then we decided to explore the galaxy, until the Resistance called us here, and we're glad we could join in this fight"

"Are you sure you can fight two ancient Sith lords and 10 times of those troopers?" Aaron said.

"You guys can handle the Sith, we can handle the army" Jaikob told him.

"The battle isn't starting just yet" Aaron informed him. "Connor and I are going to see some friends of ours to join us"
They then left them and headed toward a transport.

"We can't hide here forever you know!" Jaikob called out.

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