Raid of Naboo Part I

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Poe, Zorii, Finn, and Rose tracked Xinolas on a hologram, then finding Maul's location of target.

"I sense him here" Finn told the group, unsure of the feeling. He had a thought of Rey and him telling her of his force sensitivity. Was this it calling to him?

"Why would he attack Theed?" Rose asked.

"To raid it, take control, and grow his power there" Finn informed her.

They landed the transport near a large, glorious palace, surrounded of leaves and plants.

"So, where is the Force telling you to go?" Zorii mocked to Finn.

A lightsaber slash interrupted Finn from responding. He turned a saw a body fall face down onto the ground, and a black robed, double saber wielding Zabrak, Maul.
Finn, Poe, Rose, and Zorri all raised their blasters and started shooting at Maul, who spun his saber sending the blasts back at them.
Finn stopped the blasts with the Force, and blasted Maul back.

"Where the hell did you learn that from?" Poe exclaimed in surprise

"I had some training" Finn replied.

"I expected a challenge" Maul grunted as he lifted himself off the ground. "I haven't recieved one yet"

"You will" Rose said as she set her gun to stun.

Poe tried to prevent her from stunning Maul, but it was too late. Rose sent a blast that had Maul temporarily paralyzed.

"LET ME GO!" Maul yelled to them. He tried to move his arms, but everything was numb, almost feeling as if nothing was there.

Zorii kicked Maul down and pointed her blaster to his head. "Now, you'll be turned to the Resistance" she smirked.

"Ajunta will have all of you executed" Maul said. "He won't have me lost to the feeble Resistance"

Just then, they heard faint footsteps, and voices.

"Have you seen Maul?" One voice asked.

"He went raiding the palace, he should be returning to us soon" the other replied.

Finn looked at Poe, Zorii, and Rose. "It's the Sith Troopers" he muttered. "We have to go"

"Hey!" A trooper noticed them and ignited his saber, another started blasting them.

Poe blasted them, yet more and more reinforcements came.

Suddenly, a huge explosion occurred in the palace, knocking pillars and chunks of walls down.

Finn and Zorii ran toward the incident, while Poe and Rose kept watch on Maul.

In the palace was dead bodies spread across the floor from lightsabers attacks and some civilians injured by the explosion.
Finn lifted a pillar with the Force that had fallen on to a civilian.

"Is she still alive?" Zorii slowly walked toward the civilian.

"She's hurt, not severely though" Finn turned the civilian over on her back. "Still breathing"

Zorii noticed another civilian, who was limping holding his hand over his shoulder, which was cut from a lightsaber slash.
"Are you alright?" she asked him.

"Have you come to stop this madness?" he asked her.

"Yes, and to stop the growing power and rule of some ancient Sith" she told him. "You're welcome to support us in the fight"

"I'm afraid not, with my arm damaged and me being barely alive from that monster, I can't" the civilian sighed.

Zorii walked back to Finn, who was going back to the transport.

"Hey! We still need to eliminate the troopers patrolling this place" she called out to him. "Those weren't the only ones"

"You're right!" A Sith Trooper stunned Zorii with its blaster taking her captive, with other troopers following.
Finn turned hearing the blast, running toward the troopers who were boarding a ship, but couldn't reach them as it had flew away before he could stop them.

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