Raid of Coruscant Part III

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As Rey ran through the destruction, she tried to deflect the lightning with her saber, but the amount was almost overwhelming, causing her to stumble. As she was lifting herself up, she noticed a block of concrete flying toward some civilians that were escaping the city. Rey tried to fight through the blowing energy of lightning and debris to save them, but was too late, as the piece of concrete crushed them all.
She watched them in grief, as they couldn't be saved now.
Rey then attempted to harness the powerful energy with the Force, causing it to slowly break away and set a clear path for her, while also storing it inside her for later use.

Meanwhile, Derru was struggling to bypass the flying debris, doubting himself that the Sith were unbeatable.
He then heard a faint voice calling to him, that of Rey's. He followed her voice, while cautiously attempting to not be blasted by the multiple strikes of lightning flying through the city and the sky, which had become a dark burgundy shade.

Rey ignited her saber as a light for Derru to follow, but the light was deactivated from Revan, who appeared just in front of her.
Derru ran to help fight him off, but was hit by a piece of debris knocking him to the side.
Rey swung her saber at Revan, who blocked it in an X formation. He then blasted force lightning at her, but it was deflected back hitting him in the face, slightly damaging his armor.
Rey used the Force to lift the flying debris from the sky, throwing it at him, yet they were cut through with his sabers.
During this, Derru was crawling through the rough ground, trying to get to Rey and help her defeat Revan, but was losing consciousness.

He saw Rey blocking Revan's lightning, and took this chance to make this the final strike. He picked up the Sith Trooper lightsaber, stumbled toward Revan from behind, and stabbed him in the back.
Derru then fell almost lifelessly to the ground, faintly breathing.
Rey walked over to him, about to force heal him, when he removed her hand from himself.

"I've wanted to fight for something, to die for something. I did, for the Resistance" his head turned to gaze on the sky, which seemed to be fading away. "The only place where I felt I had a purpose in"

At that moment, all the lightning and debris calmed, leaving Coruscant in a ruin of things. Nearly half the temples were destroyed, and most of the buildings were collapsing to rubble.
Rey made her way to the transport, fighting one more time with the rest of the Resistance on Xinolas.

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