Raid of Coruscant Part I

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As Jiro and Tor Valum were dueling, Aaron, Connor, and Rey, were discussing how to locate Revan, Maul, and Vader.

"Where would they go if we were them?" Connor thought.

"Maul would probably go to Naboo knowing what happened 70 years ago" Aaron said.

"They likely would raid the Jedi Temples" Rey added. "The ones on Coruscant and Accor"

"Who's going there?" Connor asked. "None of us can go"

"I will go to Coruscant" Rey replied. "A group of Resistance fighters will go to Accor and Naboo"

She force pushed a few Sith Troopers then spoke into a communicator.

"We need fighters on the planets of Accor, Naboo, and Coruscant"

She then ran toward 3 Resistance transports, then was followed by groups of Resistance fighters going on board each of the transports.
Following Rey was Derru and Syla.

"Are you sure our army can defeat these Sith?" Derru asked Rey. "Hell, they're even struggling to take down Sith Troopers with lightsabers"

"Well," she turned to him. "If the Force is with them, then I believe they can"
She got into the transport followed by Derru, Syla and Resistance troopers.
Then, more troops followed Lando, Jannah, and Jaikob and Mi'kel to Accor.
Finally, Poe, Zorii, Finn, and Rose were on their way to Naboo.

Meanwhile on Coruscant, Darth Revan and his troopers had slaughtered many civilians in the city on their way to the old Jedi Temples.
Revan made it to the temples, and started to send them crumbling down with the Force.
He turned to the troopers. "Go find anyone in the city, and take them hostage!" he demanded. "Ajunta's bidding will be done"

As Revan was raiding the area, Rey, Derru, and Syla had landed in a docking bay nearby.
They looked around, seeing civilians in fear and running.

"He's already taken this place over" Rey said. "We must find him quickly"

"The temples are already destroyed" Syla mentioned. "I saw them crumble when we were landing"

The three ran and pushed through crowds of frightened people, running into and taking down Sith Troopers on the way.

"What are these Sith raiding these planets for?" Derru asked.

"The planets on which Jedi Temples are located are being raided so the Sith can take them over" Rey informed him.

They finally noticed Revan stabbing civilians and ran toward him.
Rey ignited her lightsaber and Derru and Syla started shooting at him.

"This wont be ending just yet!" he growled and ignited his lightsabers.

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