Raid of Accor Part I

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Lando, Jannah, Jaikob, and Mi'kel landed near a small village that a Jedi Temple towered over.

"What are we supposed to do here?" Jaikob questioned.

"Just keep watch of it and guard the place" Lando said. "Make sure no man with breathing problems passes by"

"So what you're saying is stand around" Jaikob scoffed. "Got it"

Lando sighed. "It's for the galaxy's sake, that the Sith don't rule the galaxy like in those horrendous times"

They went inside the temple, surrounded by statues of Jedi Knights, symbols, and a distant light at the end.

"What is that?" Jaikob muttured.

He cautiously walked toward the light, which became darker with each step.

"Don't go!" Mi'kel's voice called out to him, but it had echoed and faded away in an instant.

He saw numerous environments of many planets, lightsabers of individual colors swinging, and different voices of different tones. Enlightenment, furious, sadness, guilt.
As he moved closer, he felt a swirl of forces pulling him to each of these places.
The voices started growing, and one in particular spoke out to him.

"Execute Order 66" a voice of an old man said.
A young man's voice replied, "Yes, my lord"
Following this, blaster fire occured, then crumbling rocks, and a screech of animal.

The scene changed to a Lasat fighting off a firing squad of clone troopers as a young boy, his apprentice, watched near him.
The Lasat was blasted several times. Luckily, the boy froze the troopers with the Force, letting them have time to escape.
In an escape pod, the Lasat, in his final breaths spoke to the boy. "Trust only in the Force" he told him.
"Yes, Master" the boy responded through tears.

The terrifying scenes of pain and sadness ended, leaving Jaikob in shock.
He stumbled back, still processing the unbelievable events.

"I told you, they were horrendous times" Lando said in a somber voice. "If they rule again, similar things could happen like the ones you saw"
He helped Jaikob on his feet, and walked back with him to Jannah and Mi'kel.

"We saw a home being destroyed" Jannah said overlooking the village. "It means he's here"

Darth Vader left the body of the villager in the piles of rubble from his destroyed home.
As he continued his path to the Jedi Temple, he stabbed, slashed, and choked the villagers in his way. By the time he exited the area, the whole village had been wiped out.
He look at the mountain where the temple stood, then continued up.

"Vader is coming here" Mi'kel informed Lando, Jammah, and Jaikob, who were all taking cover in the temple.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Jaikob whispered.

Just then, they heard a sudden lightsaber ignition and prepared their weapons.
The footsteps grew louder, then it reached the temple floors, causing it to echo.
Mi'kel then stepped in and lifted his blaster to attack.

"Mi'kel, no!" Jannah called out to him, trying to stop his move.

Mi'kel started firing multiple blasts at Vader, which were all blocked by his lightsaber.
Vader then started to lift him up and force choke him.
Jaikob rushed toward Vader, taking out his light dagger, and cut off his hand. Then, he dragged the dagger down his back, yet only damaging the armor.

"Oh no" Jaikob muttured. "I made one hell of a mistake"

Vader turned swinging his lightsaber toward him, as Jaikob attempted to get away.
Vader face his gaze on Mi'kel, who was running back to Jannah and Lando.
Upon noticing them, Vader used the force to throw them into a Jedi statue.

"There is no way we can get him out" Mi'kel groaned. "Only a Jedi with a lightsaber can" He then looked at Jaikob.

"This isn't a lightsaber, it's just a dagger with the energy of one" Jaikob informed him

"Then there isn't a way to defeat him since that won't do good" Mi'kel sighed. "What do we do?"

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