Sacrifice and Finale

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Aaron and Jiro clashed sabers with Darth Zannah and Darth Ruin, overwhelmed by the unbalanced amount of duelists.

"It's just us now, what is our next move?" Aaron asked Jiro.

"I'm afraid there's minimal hope left" Jiro replied. "Have you heard from the others?"

Connor suggested to go find them, despite his leg being injured and his cut off hand.

"It's too dangerous, don't do it!" Aaron called out to him.

"I know, but it's our only hope for reinforcements!" Connor said as he limped away to find them.

Meanwhile, Rey, Lando, Jannah, Poe, Finn, Rose, and Zorii were looking for Aaron, Jiro, and Connor as the army of Sith Troopers were disappearing.

"They should be near, and may need our help" Jannah said.

"How can we defeat the last of the Sith? They're too overpowering" Finn exclaimed. "All the things we've done has had little effect"

"We fight to the end, that's how!" Poe replied. "Now let's go find them before something worse happens"

Shortly after, they found Connor in the middle of the battlefield, bruised and hair a mess.

"What happened to you?" Rey asked.

"I destroyed the Holocron, it's what's causing all the disappearances" Connor answered. "Me, Aaron, and Jiro were looking for you guys, we need your help now"

They rushed over to the Sith Temple, where the duel was still taking place.

Finn immediately ran toward Darth Ruin, attempting to force push him away, but was blasted with lightning.
Poe, Rose, and Zorii raised their blasters, trying to hit any one of them, but the blaster fire was stopped by Ajunta who pushed it back to them, causing an explosion knocking them out.
Rey ignited her saber, swinging it at Tor Valum, who blocked it and tried landing a hit on her.
She blocked the attack, shooting force lightning, yet only causing him to flinch and stumble backward.
Rey raised her saber, but was stopped by Darth Zannah, who started to force choke her and make her drop her saber.
Next, Jiro attempted to attack Darth Zannah to stop it, then from behind, was stabbed by Ajunta.
Jiro fell instantly to the ground, but slowly tried to stand up to fight longer while clenching onto his wound.

Aaron was the last left, a 1 vs 4 duel.

"There is no victory for you anymore" Ajunta growled as he kicked Jiro down. "What is there left to achieve but death?"
He walked closer to him, followed by Tor Valum at his side.

"The transformation is just temporary!" Aaron called out to Darth Ruin and Darth Zannah. "Don't let them control your mind"

"No, it is useless to resist!" Ajunta yelled. "They are forever my own, and the Jedi won't be alive to change that!"

He then blasted Aaron with force lightning, who barely blocked it with his saber.
Tor Valum lifted him up to stop the block, then Ajunta continued to blast him.
During this, Tor Valum noticed Resistance fighters approaching to help Aaron, and in response, Tor Valum used the Force to knock them all out.
Jiro attempted to crawl out of Ajunta's foot grasp, but was too weak to move. His lightsaber was just beneath Tor Valum's feet, and he tried using the Force to grab it, but Darth Zannah noticed it and crushed it.

"That is unnecessary now" she muttered.

At that moment, Jiro had lost all hope for victory, and accepted defeat.

Ajunta stopped the lightning and Aaron fell hard onto the ground, feeling dizzy and seeing blur.

"Have you given up already?" Ajunta scoffed.

Aaron starting breathing heavily, almost becoming unconscious.
He stared into the dark, stormy sky, thinking this was the end. Then, he started hearing voices and sounds that seemed familiar, echoing in his brain.
He had started recognizing these sounds, which were of lightsaber swings, destruction, and an old voice.
This was of his days at the Jedi Academy, where Luke trained him and his friends, which now, come to think of it, were or at the brink of death.
The voice of Luke called out to him, saying something he couldn't make out.
Every noise faded and focused on that word.

"It is time"
"Use it"
"The crystal"

Aaron couldn't recall the certain crystal Luke was referring to.

"Starkiller Base, remember that moment!"

The memory flashed back to him, he was fighting Zevdo because of the stolen Kyber crystal. What was the importance of it?
Only he and Zevdo knew. That was the most powerful in the galaxy, the Kaiburr crystal.

"Use it!" Luke repeated. "It's the only thing that can save everyone"

Aaron finally lifted himself up, staring at Ajunta face to face.

"What makes you a Jedi?" Ajunta said.

"It isn't lightsaber" Aaron replied. He pulled out the Kaiburr crystal he had kept for a year. He took a sharp exhale, and looked back at Ajunta as the lightsaber suddenly opened up, and the green crystal was replaced with the one in Aaron's hand. "It's the trust in the Force" He ignited the lightsaber, eyes gleaming. "And you underestimate the power of the Force"

Aaron swung the lightsaber at Tor Valum, immediately decapitating him.
Ajunta raised his saber, barely intimidated, yet still worried. He clashed sabers with Aaron, the power of Aaron's saber overwhelming him.
Ajunta stumbled back, thought of disbelief surrounding him.
Aaron raised his saber and slashed Ajunta's helmet in two.
The face of a man with black messy hair and furious yellow eyes started Aaron down.
Darth Ruin and Darth Zannah tried stopping Aaron from continuing but were stopped with the Force by him.

"We were powerful, and we thought wrong" Ajunta said as Aaron raised his saber and stabbed him.

Ajunta's body fell to the side and on his back, the glow of yellow from his eyes fading simultaneously with Darth Ruin and Darth Zannah, who had changed into Phanius and Crystal.
Jiro and Connor limped over to Aaron. The lightsaber fell out of his hands and rolled in front of Connor.

"Aaron, can you hear me?" Connor whispered.
But Aaron couldn't respond, his life was disappearing out of his body.

"The Sith are gone" Connor said. "It's all over"

"You avenged our friends' deaths" Crystal muttured, her voice shaking as if she were to cry, which she was. "Thank you"

"They were horrid beings" Phanius sighed as he was force healing Jiro's stab wound.

Connor held Aaron's body so it was straight up. "We're all grateful" he told him. He then carried Aaron through the empty, dreadful battlefield, with multiple bodies lying around, including that of Kenith and Talwo.
The remaining Resistance troopers got onto transports and departed from Xinolas.
Meanwhile, Connor, Jiro, Crystal, and Kenith walked in silence. There was nothing else to fight for, and therefore, they had won.
They got onto a transport followed by Poe, Finn, Rose, Zorii, Lando, and Jannah.
Crystal looked out of the transport window, noticing that the Sith Temple where the whole event occurred, had ultimately collapsed. A small grin grew on her face, but she still had a shred of guilt knowing this was all her fault.
That was the past now, but she could never forgive herself for what she caused, despite it being controlled by the actions of Darth Bane.

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