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On the transport, Phanius mentioned he needed to return back to the Old Republic to not disrupt the timeline of events.

Connor, Crystal, and Jiro agreed to the destination, and searched for a planet with the time portals.
They ended up going to the planet of Bonadon, where they entered a Jedi Temple that had the portals of time.
Phanius walked to the area full of portals, and one was the Old Republic time. He turned to Connor, Crystal, and Jiro.

"It's been well fighting alongside you all, and I thank you for saving me from that monster, but I have to return" he told them before entering.
They nodded, and Phanius entered the portal, with it closing behind him.

After departing the planet, they had made the decision to land on Ach-To.

When the transport landed, Connor, Crystal, and Jiro walked over into a wide, empty hut.

"What are our plans from now on?" Connor asked them when they entered.

"I had planned to go and stay at Coruscant, I can call in a separate transport if you two ever need it" Jiro told Connor. "I think this is the best choice for me to stay where I feel best, to remember Talwo"

Connor and Crystal nodded, and they all left the hut to say their goodbyes.
The transport runway door opened, and Jiro walked in, but just before he closed it, he turned to Connor and Crystal.

"May the Force be with you" he told them.

"May the Force be with you" Connor replied.

The door closed, and the transport flew off.

On Coruscant, Jiro walked the destructed cities, while remembering of his friend and where they first met.
Jiro stopped and looked up at the ruined buildings, thinking of a plan to rebuild it.

On Ach-To, Connor walked back into the hut. He reached into his belt and took out Aaron's lightsaber in remembrance and all the journeys they've been through. He set it down on a small rock and walked outside.
The sun shined on him and the numerous hills around. Later, Crystal joined his side. Then, out came Aaron as a Force ghost.
Upon seeing him, Connor smiled and nodded, then they all watched the sun set on Ach-To

Star Wars: The Final UprisingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang