Raid of Accor Part II

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Vader started lifting the pillars of the temple and throwing it at Jaikob and Mi'kel, who were dodging them.
When Vader threw another, Jaikob ran in the way of it and with his dagger, cut through it.
Jannah started shooting at Vader, trying to land a hit at him and weaken the armor.
Vader stopped the blast in mid air, and sent it back to her and hitting her in the shoulder. He then lifted another pillar off the temple, throwing it to Lando next.
Because of the pillars being taken off the grounds, the temple started crumbling down slowly. Quickly, Vader evaded the area, leaving Jaikob, Mi'kel, Lando, and Jannah to die there.
However, they still managed to run out, except Jaikob, who's legs were stuck by a pillar that had fallen on him, added on by more blocks of rubble. He attempted to cut through them with the dagger, but more kept falling.
Mi'kel ran toward him, not letting his friend behind. He tried lifting the debris off, but couldn't.

"Mi'kel, it's going to fall on both of you!" Lando called out. "Leave him or we'll never make it!"

"He's right" Jaikob groaned. "I don't want you to lose yourself either"

Mi'kel looked back at Lando, then at Jaikob, who tossed him his dagger. Mi'kel then had an idea. He cut through the pieces of stone with it, managing to take Jaikob out.
The temple was at it's last moments of standing, Lando and Jannah kept calling out to Mi'kel and Jaikob to hurry, and that's when they ran into a distant light in the temple, presumably dying.

"He didn't listen" Lando sighed. "He should've left him there"

Jannah shook her head. "He was just trying to save his friend, but they didn't have enough time to get to us"

They both went back to their ship, going to Xinolas to report on the deaths of Mi'kel and Jaikob, when Vader came from the ship and started swinging his saber at them. Lando and Jannah rushed inside the ship as Vader attempted to cut through it with his saber.
When the ship took off, Vader stopped it with the force, trying to bring it to him and destroy it.

"Is the hyperdrive working?" Jannah exclaimed, watching Vader from the ship window.

"I'll try it" Lando said hastily fumbling with the controls.

Vader raised his saber, as the ship was in attack range, when it blasted him back from it going to hyperspace.
He watched, furious and deciding on what to do.

Meanwhile, Lando and Jannah were set their destination to Xinolas.

"Where did they come from?" Jannah questioned.

"They must be clones made from the dark side" Lando thought. "Something from that temple there released all those Sith, and we need to send them back or destroy the source of where they came"

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