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The girl had found the base, and made her way to land her ship on a hangar bay.
She got out, exploring the beautiful trees and plants of the planet.
As she was walking around, she bumped into General Poe Dameron

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry" she stammered.

Poe chuckled. "No, it's fine, do you need anything?"

"I wanted to speak with the general, who I assume it's you?"
Poe nodded.
"Well, there was a disturbance on the planet of Xinolas, it's in the core worlds near Coruscant" she paused hesitantly. "and this voice, or person, called to me, saying the Sith will have revenge"

Poe lead her to the briefing room, and out of the corner of her eye, the girl noticed two young men talking.
These were Aaron and Connor, who she was familiarized with.
She walked over to them, and they turned around to face her.
A feeling formed over the trio, but they didn't know what.

"Can we assist you?" Connor said to her after a moment of silence.

"No thank you" the girl responded and walked away.

In the briefing room, Poe asked who she was and where she came from, in an attempt to recruit her to the Resistance.

"My name is Crystal Halcyon, and I was born on Rithneu, located on the Inner Rim" she told her. "My mother and brother were killed when I was a little girl. I found myself in a Jedi academy, which was destroyed a few years later"

Poe recalled her words of an academy being destroyed.
"Luke?" he whispered, almost inaudible.
He looked back at Crystal. "We will attempt to send a signal to everyone in the system to prepare for this"
He dismissed Crystal, and sent her to an empty dorm.

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