First Battle

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"You guys do realize this is something we've not experienced before?" Connor warned.
"They're just some Sith, we've fought some in the past" Aaron comforted him. "We'll be fine"

Poe's voice came into a communicator. "Xinolas is just up ahead, let's get to it" he said confidently.

Out of the planet's atmosphere, a TIE Fighter attacked the transports.

"Are you sure we're fine now?" Connor mocked at Aaron.

"Kylo Ren is on there" Rey said in shock.

"That's impossible!" Aaron groaned.

Kylo's TIE continued firing, having almost precise shots.

"This is probably their way of letting us know we aren't welcome" Connor said worriedly.

Multiple blasts from X Wings couldn't take it down.

"This isn't you regular TIE so keep on firing!" Poe demanded through the communicator.

Aaron rapidly fired at Kylo's TIE, which caused one of the wings to be damaged.
He continued, and finally had it destroyed.

"I got it cleared" Aaron exclaimed.

The transports finally landed on Xinolas, and waiting for them, was an army of Sith Troopers.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Connor mumbled.

Out of the crowd, a black armored man and a grey alien walked toward them.

"Aaron Jissard, and Connor Sion Typhe" the man said.

Aaron ignited his saber. "How do you know us?"

The man chuckled. "I am Ajunta Pall, I know everything. We have waited for our revenge for so long, centuries and centuries"

Connor ignited his saber. "You won't get it, because you don't know the Jedi"

"Oh, I do, and I have seen their power, it is nothing compared to the superiority of the Sith" Ajunta growled.

Tor Valum joined Ajunta, and lifted Connor up with force lightning.
Aaron rushed to try and attack him, but was force pushed to the side.
Kenith and Crystal joined them and clashed sabers with Ajunta and Tor Valum.
Talwo came from behind and started shooting at Ajunta, but the blasts were stopped by Tor Valum.
Suddenly, Ajunta sent everyone flying back with a powerful lightning bolt.

"Rey was right, this is something else" Aaron groaned.

"I doubt we can hold them off" Connor sighed.

"We should, there isn't going back down" Jiro yelled.

"Sometimes falling back is helpful!" Kenith mentioned. "That way we can come back stronger"

Jiro argued. "No we must stand our gr-" He was then interrupted by a Force choke from Tor Valum.

Rey and Phanius joined the confrontation, dueling with Ajunta and Tor Valum.
Finn and Rose attempted to shoot at him as Rey and Phanius were the distraction, but the blasts were stopped again and this time, sent back at them causing an explosion dividing everyone.

"This may be a good time to retreat!" Jiro mentioned.

Kenith scoffed. "I told you!"

The group reconnected with the Resistance and set up a base in a cave atop a mountain, invisible to Ajunta and Tor Valum.

"They are something that we can't fight against" Kenith sighed.

Crystal came up to him. "Not without each other, and trusting in the force" she said in a soft voice.

"You saw what they can do, the amount of power they had" Kenith raised his voice. "Can we compare to that?"

"I believe so" Crystal whispered and kissed him on the cheek.

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