Raid of Coruscant Part II

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Rey and Revan clashed sabers, as Derru and Syla tried to shoot him down, but even while dueling, was still able to deflect the shots back.
Revan then force pulled Syla to himself, then threw her into 3 Sith Troopers patrolling the area.
The Sith Troopers grabbed Syla, then one of them ignited their lightsabers attempting to decapitate her.
Derru quickly raised his blaster and shot all 3 of them down.

"It would be helpful if you two would grab those lightsabers and help me" Rey called to them.

They nodded, picked them up, and ran toward Revan, raising their sabers.
Revan blocked both of them with his red saber, and fighting Rey with his purple one.
Rey backflipped, kicking Revan and making him crash into an abandoned market.
Syla raised her saber to finish him, but Revan dodged the slash and instead, stabbed her from behind.

"NO!" Rey yelled, running toward Revan. She then blasted force lightning at him.
Revan blocked it with both sabers in a cross formation. He then, with the lightsabers, forced it to Rey, knocking her back.
Derru aggressively swung the Sith Trooper lightsaber at Revan, attempting to kill him for the damage he's done.

"That lightsaber would be a fine choice for you" Revan told him. "The fear, the anger, the hatred, it gives you power. Connect to it, and strike me down!"

Derru started breathing heavily, continuing to swing the saber at him.
He finally landed at hit on Revan's shoulder, only barely penetrating it.

"Yes! That is it. Finish me. Unleash your power to destroy me" Revan growled.

As she lifted herself up, Rey overheard this, and called out to Derru.
"He is controlling you! Don't give in to the darkness"
She then rushed toward him, raising her saber to strike Revan, but was force choked by him, then was thrown to the ground.

"The Jedi's downfall is upon us" Revan said. "And the Sith will fulfill what the past could not"

"They will fulfill a loss!" Derru yelled.

"Is that so?" Revan scoffed. He then blasted him with force lightning into an alleyway of the city. "This is the end of Coruscant"

Suddenly, massive blasts of lightning crashed and exploded across the city and temples. Pieces of buildings and towers fell as more lightning struck.
Meanwhile, Derru was attempting to cut through the debris of the city with the Sith Trooper lightsaber, as civilians were being crushed and injured by it.
Rey ran into the city searching for Derru, dodging more falling buildings and some glass.
"Trust in the Force" she whispered.

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