Portals of Past, Present, and Future

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"I read about you in one of my Jedi texts" Aaron told him. "You were going to be killed by a Sith named Darth Nihilus"
Crystal's eyes widened in shock.

Phanius looked at him in gratitude. "Yes, and I thank you for saving me"

"We we're searching for recruits to fight in a battle," Kenith told him. "and unfortunately, we believe he has returned"

"We'd appreciate your support if you accept" Jiro mentioned.

Phanius nodded, and followed Kenith, Jiro, and Crystal to the rest of the Resistance who were getting on transports, while Aaron and Connor stayed behind to explore the mysterious portals.

One portal lead to two figures, a tall man with black armor around him, and a gray, slimy alien.

"We've expected you two" the black armored man said and ignited his saber.

"Who are you?" Aaron said in an interrogating tone.

"You know us" The alien whispered.

Aaron ignited his saber and swung it at them.
The grey alien shot out force lightning at him, knocking Aaron back.
Connor ran toward the black armored man, igniting his saber, but was countered by a force push.

"You aren't ready yet, nor will you ever be" he growled at Connor.

He walked closer to them, raising his saber to strike them down, until a young woman ignited her saber and defended them.
She clashed sabers with him and blocked the force lightning from the grey alien.
The lightning blasted them back, and she ran toward Aaron and Connor.

"Are you two alright" she asked.

Connor looked up at her. "R-Rey?" he shuddered.

"That was no ordinary lightning blast, I felt this was something more" Rey told them.

"Are you saying these aren't just normal Sith?" Aaron questioned.

"I believe they aren't, now we must go follow the Resistance, the last of them already departing" she demanded.
They boarded a transport and followed the Resistance to Xinolas.

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