Destroyer Raid

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Finn watched as the ship flew into the distance and disappearing to wherever the Sith Troopers were taking Zorii.
He then ran back to Poe and Rose, who were keeping Maul in watch.

"Zorii was captured" Finn informed them, out of breath and worried. "We have to leave and find her"

"Where would they take her?" Rose asked.

"Probably back to Xinolas to turn her to Ajunta" Poe said. "Worse, she could be killed by him" He then sighed. "We can't leave this place in ruins by the troopers though. What do we do with Maul?"

Finn looked back at him. "I guess we have to take him with us" He then walked to their transport.
Poe and Rose followed him and set their destination to Xinolas.

On the Star Destroyer on Xinolas where Zorii was to be held in, the commander of the ship blasted a laser in a small area where groups of Resistance fighters were shooting down Sith Troopers.

Meanwhile, Poe, Rose, and Finn snuck aboard the Star Destroyer, shooting down 3 Sith Troopers and getting in their outfits to disguise themselves.
Finn turned to Poe, explaining a plan.
"Do as how I did with you. Inform the guard that you'll take the prisoner to the commander of the ship for further notice. Then, take her to our ship and we can get out of here"

Poe nodded, took a deep breath, and quickly made his way to find her.
He searched rooms with empty interrogation chairs, feeling apprehensive and doubtful. He made his way to the end of the row of rooms, finally seeing an unconscious and unmasked Zorii in an interrogation chair, and next to her, a Sith Trooper guarding her.

"The commander requested to see the prisoner" Poe said, almost stuttering.

The guard released Zorii from her clutches, and let Poe take her away. Poe took her to a narrow hall, just out of sight from the rest of the crew.

"What is this?" Zorii groaned, unaware of her surroundings.

Poe took off his helmet. "Me, Finn, and Rose have come to save you"

Zorii started to lose balance. "What did they do to me?"

Poe looked around hastily for a way to escape. "They stunned you and took you here. I'm sure you would've been executed"
He then took her hand, running toward the transport as Sith Troopers came and started shooting at them.

"We'll hold them off, you two get in" Finn yelled through blaster fire.

Poe and Zorii ran into the transport, seeing Maul up against the wall, still stunned by the blast.

Finn force pushed the Sith Troopers out the hangar bay of the Star Destroyer, sending them to plummet into Xinolas. He then noticed two Sith Troopers holding rocket launchers at the transport and ran inside, informing Poe to fly away from the Star Destroyer.
The rockets just barely missed the transport, traveling into the distance.

As the transport was escaping the Star Destroyer, a laser from there blasted it twice, causing it to lose flight and fuel.
A medium sized hole formed, which started to suck things in the transport out into space and some in the atmosphere of Xinolas.
Finn, Poe, and Rose tried to take control of the transport, but could reach the controls as they were holding onto the outer part of the ship to avoid drifting away.
Maul was one of the things to be sucked out, and upon this, a piece of the ship sliced him in half.
Seeing this, Finn turned to Poe, Rose, and Zorii.

"What do we do about him?" He questioned.

"Wasn't our plan to destroy all these Sith?" Rose reminded him.

Meanwhile, the transport was crashing down into Xinolas, and worse, into the middle of the battlefield where the rest of the Resistance was fighting.

"We need to land this thing safely!" Finn demaded.

"We can't, the controls are too far for us to reach" Poe groaned. "If we let go we're going to fly out and asphyxiate"

The ship was getting closer and closer to crashing, when Finn thought of an idea.
He let go of the ship, and started free falling.


Finn used the force to swiftly drift himself and the ship safely down, just across from the battlefield.

He, Poe, Rose, and Zorii got out and rushed to find Aaron, Connor, Crystal, Kenith, and Jiro.

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