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"Orbot, Cubot, set a coarse for Mobius." The fat guy says.

"As you command sir." The two robots say.

"And as for you white hair," he starts. I feel something cold being strapped on my neck. "You work for me now." Then I feel a sharp shock radiating from the back of my neck. A few seconds later the shock stops. My vision is blurry and I can barely hear anything. But I am able to make out one thing; make sure he doesn't go anywhere. Then slowly, everything goes black.

Sonic's P.O.V

"Yo Knux, go long." I say kicking the football across the field. He runs, he catches it! I dash on over to him.

"Nice kick." Knuckles says to me.

"Nice catch." I say back. It's been a while since Robuttnik attacked us and Tails says that he might not attack us for about another few days. This means more fun time. But just as I think that today couldn't possibly be ruined, Shadow appears.

"Faker, Knucklehead, we got a new mission alert." He says.

"Seriously, we were just starting to have fun. Why do you have to ruin it?" I say arms crossed.

"This is urgent! There's no time for fun." He says.

"Fine." I say. Then we teleport to the Knothole base where we see Tails, Amy, Blaze, Rouge, Silver, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Cream, Ray, Sally and Mighty. The whole gang is here.

"Finally, you're here. We got a new alert." Sally says.

"Can you blame us for trying to have fun?" I say shrugging.

"Never mind that. Robotnik is entering our solar system. And apparently he has a new weapon that he wants to use on us." Tails says.

"Then let's take him out. Tails and Ray, what are Robotnik's coordinates?" I ask.

"He's close, he almost entered out planet's atmosphere." They say.

"Alright then. Shadow, Knux and Silver, you three are with me. We're gonna go onto the ship and take out whatever weapon he wants to use on us." I command. Everyone nods, except for Shadow. He just roles his eyes. He then teleport us to the ship where we find none other than Robuttnik himself.

"Well well well, if it isn't the blue rodent, and I see you brought your comrades with you." He says. "METAL!" He shouts. Then that blue copycat comes running to his master's side. "Dispose of them." He says. I turn my head slightly and notice someone in some kind of chamber, and he looks Mobian. I don't even notice that metal was about to clobber me into the ship. Thank chaos that Knux was there to knock him out of my way.

"Focus hotshot." He says.

"Silver and Shadow, distract Metal and Robotnik." I say. They nod. "Knux, you're with me. There's someone we have to save in that chamber over there." He turns and sees the kid in the chamber. He turns to me and nods. Without wasting time I grab Knux and dash over to the chamber. Luckily Robuttnik and metal are too distracted with Silver and Shadow to notice us. With one punch, Knux smashes the chamber glass to pieces. Then I notice that the person inside the chamber was a hedgehog and he a lot like Silver. Knux scoops him up and we run towards the others. When Robotnik sees us with the hedgehog over knuckle's shoulder, his face is priceless.


"Man, you talk too much. Shadz, teleport us now!" I command.

"Fine." He says. Then in a flash we're back at the base.

"Hi everyone, we're back." I say.

"Well that was quick." Tails chuckles.

"Of coarse it was, I'm the fastest being alive remember?" I joke.

"Hey Knuckles, who is that you are holding?" Amy asks.

"Well, we found him on Robotnik's ship and thought that he was captured so we saved him." Knuckles explains.

"Hmmm. Put him in the healing chamber. He could be hurt." Tails says.

"That's the thing, we don't really know if he's hurt or not." Silver says.

"But he should still get some rest at least, who knows how long he was in that chamber for." I say. Knux and I go put him in the healing chamber in Tails's lab. Then once we're sure that he'll get some rest, me and Knux walk out of the lab to join the others.

-One Hour Later-

It's been about an hour since we rescued that Mobian. ''I should probably check on the kid.'' I say to myself. I start walking to the lab. I'm halfway there but the closer I get the more is sounds like something wants to get out of there. I hear someone yelling in pain. Then I hear a loud shattering sound. I run to the lab at top speed wondering what could've happened, and if that mobian in there is okay. I make it to the lab and go inside. When I do I see that mobian standing in the middle of the lab with shattered glass all over the place and he doesn't look too happy.

Yes! Two chapters in one day. Awesome!

Gotta Go Fast •[Sonic Reader]•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें