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My Android may be back with my enemies, but I have the plans to my super weapon. I don't need him as much now. As long as I destroy those rodents and take over this world, I'll be more than happy. Until then, I'll start building my weapon. You better watch out you rodents, your time is almost up.

Sonic's P.O.V

It's been about three days since we got Ark back from Robotnik's lair, and yet Ray still hasn't been able to power him up and get him running. We're all concerned for him, especially me. I'm his brother after all. In getting tired of waiting around. I walk to the lab where Ray is with Ark. I get there and, as expected, Ray is working on some invention to power up Ark again. I just hope this one works. But it looks like its just my old treadmill. What could he possibly do with that?

"Hey Ray. How's it going?" I ask coming into the lab.

"It's going good so far. I think I've finally found an efficient way to start Ark up." He says.

"Really? That's great! But what does my old treadmill have to do with it?" I ask pointing to the treadmill.

"Oh, well I figured out that Ark has a pretty large battery and it would take days to charge him up all the way just by putting him in his pod. About twenty to thirty at least." Ray explains.

"TWENTY TO THIRTY DAYS?!" I scream shocked.

"Yup. But fortunately, I've come up with a solution for that. You see, I've upgraded the treadmill to go about three times faster than your current speed. I then hooked it up to a super-charged engine and connected a high power transfer chord tot Ark's Charging pod." He explains.

"Okay cool. So what is it supposed to do exactly?" I ask.

"The faster you run on this, the more power youll transfer to the charging pod. And instead of taking days charging Ark would take seconds. It's a win-win, you get to run on the treadmil again and Ark gets recharged." He says.

"Awesome! Cant wait to test it out." I say going on the treadmill.

"Okay, just wait for me to put Ark inside his pod and then you'll be free to run as fast as you possibly can." Me says picking up Ark and putting him in the pod. After a few seconds he gives me the green light and I start running at top speed. Then I start to see energy flowing to Ark's pod and into him. His highlights are glowing as it happens too. After about twenty seconds Ray tells me to stop running, so I do. I get off and go over to him. I notice that his highlights are glowing brighter that a few seconds ago. Then it fades and he slowly opens his eyes, which are still pitch black. But after a while they go back to normal.

"Ow, my head. Where am I?" He says holding the side of his head.

"It's okay Ark, you're back with us. You're home." I say helping.

"Sonic? What happened to me? The last thing I remember is being in Robotnik's lair, everything afterwards is just, black." He says. He tries to step out of his pod but stumbles and falls on his hands and knees.

"Well can you remember anything while you were in his lair?" I ask helping him up.

"Uh, I'm not too sure. I'll try to remember and when I do I'll come straight to you." He says.

"At least you're back safe. I was so worried for you. Seeing you chained up like that and getting shocked made me shed a few tears. I'm glad I don't have to see that anymore." I say hugging him tightly.

"Thanks for rescuing me Sonic." He says hugging me back before pulling away after a few seconds.

"Well, now that that's all sorted, I'm gonna go play with Charmy and Cream. Bye." Ray says walking out of the lab.

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