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I put the note on the dresser next to my bed and sit up. I sigh as I look out of the window to the beautiful night sky. Then I crawl into the covers and slowly go to sleep.

Knuckles's P.O.V

I yawn, sit up on my bed and stretch. Then Iremember that I have to train Ark today. I look out the window, it's almost sunrise. I jump out of bed, put my shoes on and head down to the back of the base. But when I do I see Ark already there leaning against the wall with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed.

"Well this is a surprise. Morning Ark." I say. He turns his head towards me and smiles.

"Morning Knuckles." He says back.

"So, are you ready for training?" I say.

"Yup. Let's do it!" He says excitedly.

"Great, then follow me." I say grabbing Ark by the wrist. I lead him to Fire Canyon, the perfect place for today's training session. When we get there I start training Ark to the max limit. He actually did well for his first time. He blocked a few of my hits and landed a few of his own, but he did get a lot bruises when we were done for the day. We started training everyday for about a few weeks. After the last training session I can see Ark is improving. He still has some distance to go before he's at my level.

"Nice counterattack Ark, I didn't see that coming at all." I say helping Ark to his feet.

"Thanks Knux. I feel myself getting stronger from your training, but it's getting harder everyday. I don't think I'll ever be strong enough to beat someone as strong as you in a fight." He says.

"Dont worry, about a few more says youll be at my level at least. You shouldnt lose faith in your atrength." I say. I give Ark a reassuribg thumbs up and a half smile. He nods. "Okay, now I'm gonna turn it up another level. Now we start fighting for real." I say getting into a fighting stance.

"Right." Ark says also getting into a fighting stance. There's silence for a second before we start charging toward each other. He throws a punch at me. I block and deliver a punch to his stomach. He groans. I deliver about a thousand more in a punch blitz. He groans more and starts to cough up a bit of blood. He drops to his knees. Then for a split second I sence a massive energy coming from Ark but it goes away as soon as it appears. Ark slowly gets back to his feet holding his stomach. He looks at me with the look of a true fighter. Then that energy appears again for a few seconds. Then Ark dashes to me and throws a punch. I block it easily. He punches again with a lot more force. He punches again about a thousand times more in a punch blitz. He adds a few kicks in there as well. But that energy keeps poping up and going away. Until Ark delivers a power bomb and that energy starts to radiate from Ark. And this time it doesn't just vanish. With every punch and kick that ark delivers that energy starts to become more and more present. With another punch Ark manages to break through my defences and land it on my eye. He takes a major step back and stares at me, he's eyes no longer blue but red. I see a gold glow around Ark, he seems to calm down and close his eyes. He breathes in and out a few times and goes into his power charge stance. Then he yells out and a beam of light shoots up in the sky from where Ark is standing, actually he isn't even standing anymore, he's floating a few inches above the ground. I stare in amazement. The louder he yells, the higher his power grows. The yelling grows quiet after a moment and the beam disappears. Then I see Ark still in his power charge stance, but he looks different. His highlights and fur are now golden yellow. The major difference is his power. It's five times as much as when I first started training him.

"This is amazing. How could Ark reach such heights so quickly?" I say to myself.

"Hey Knux, are we still fighting or what?" Ark says to me. He goes into his fighting stance again and so do I. He charges to me and delivers a punch blitz. I was so unprepared he lands every single one. He punches me again and sends me flying through a boulder. I see Ark run up to me and try to land an uppercut. I manage to dodge. He tries hitting me again but this time with an energy ball. He lands it right on my chest. I fall to the ground and clutch my chest tightly. I look up and see Ark standing in front of me. He holds out his hand. I grab it and he pulls me up onto my feet. But when he does his fur and highlights go back to normal. I wish I could say the same for my cuts and bruises.

"Thanks Ark. You become such an awesome fighter, and your power is amazing. How did you do that anyway?" I say amazed.

"I don't know to be honest. It just happened." He says scratching the back of his head. "But we should get back to the base. You have dozens of cuts and bruises brhises. I bet Tails can fix you right up." He says. Then we feel a strong wind hit us from above us. I soon realize that it's that crackhead Robotnik. I see Metal jumping out of the ship and in front of me.

"Oh great, metal is here." I say with no emotion. He swings his fist at me and lands it on my stomach. I groan and fall on my knees. But I quickly get up and try to land a punch on him. I miss, he grabs my arm and flips me over his shoulder. My back hits the ground with so much force it could be broken. I let out a cry of pain before I'm picked up again and sucker punched in the face. I end up flying into the canyon. I see him flying towards me but something crashes into him and he goes off coarse and crashes into the ground. Then I see where the crash came from, Ark. He has Metal pinned to the ground. Then he fires an energy ball to his chest. It causes him to malfunction. Then Ark picks him up and punches him in the chest again but he ends up propelling himself at me. Metal collides with me in the chest. The pain is unbearable and with the amount of damage that Ark did on me during training I can bearly handle it. I cough up a bit of blood. Metal falls to the ground and soon I do too. I hear footsteps rushing towards where I am. I look up but my vision is blurry. I see who I think is Ark trying to talk to me but his fur seems golden again. He kneels down next to me with a worried face.

"Call...the...others...now." I manage to say before everything starts to go black.

And just like that chapter 6 is complete. In my opinion the story's going pretty well. Stick around until the end and see what happens next. Plus there's a chance that there could be a book 2 to this one. But it depends on my mood and on how you guys think of the book. Well, that's all for today. Cya in Chapter 7.

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