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(Warning, super long chapter ahead, like I'm talking over 1700 word count. I'm not even kidding.)

I cough up a bit of blood. Metal falls to the ground and soon I do too. I hear footsteps rushing towards where I am. I look up but my vision is blurry. I see who I think is Ark trying to talk to me but his fur seems golden again. He kneels down next to me with a worried face.

"Call...the...others...now." I manage to say before everything starts to go black.

Your P.O.V

He passed out. Knuckles just passed out. It must've been from all his injuries, but really hurts was the fact that most of them were from me. I then feel something sharp digging into my back. I grab whatever's sinking into by back and flip it over my shoulder. It's that robot I fought a second ago. I notice that he looks a lot like Sonic, but then I notice an r on his chest and it looks like the exact same one on my gloves. Then I remember Knuckles mentioning a name that sounds firmilliar, 'Robotnik'. Could that be the person who made this robot? And if he is then could he have made me? (See, I told you the r would make sense later in the book.) I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I get a ball of energy aimed to my right eye. I hold my eye and let out a cry of pain. I take my hand off my eye and try looking for that robotic copy-cat. I find him above me and fire an energy ball of my own at him. He malfunctions again and falls right next to Knuckles. It twitches a few times before it stays still. I quickly grab Knuckles and and start flying to the base. I make it there ten minutes later. I try to find Tails, since he's the one who might know how to heal Knuckles. I find him outside the base working on something. When he sees me flying towards him he quickly hides it behing his back.

"Oh, h-hey Ark. H-how was training?" He asks me, smiling awkwardly.

"No time to tell you how training was, Knuckles needs to be healed now, he took a lot of damage." I say quickly.

"Oh, I see. Follow me." He says leading me to some kind of chamber. "Just put him in there. The regeneration chamber will get him back to normal." He says. I carefully put Knuckles in the chamber and Tails closes him in. I look at Knux worriedly. Then I turn to Tails.

"How long is he gonna be in there for Tails?" I ask.

"Relax Ark, Knuckles is a strong fighter. He'll be fine in a couple of hours. But the one that I wanna focus on is you." He says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask. He points to my eyes and my fur.

"That's obvious, your fur and eyes are a different colour. Plus I've been reading your power levels lately and they are through the roof, so high that it almost broke my scouter ray." He says.

"Oh right. This happened at training. I don't know how but I suddenly got an epic power boost and my fur and eyes were a different colour, plus this power made my fighting a lot better too." I explain. Tails nods slowly.

"It's amazing that you were able to achieve so much power. You've even surpassed Shadow at this point, and he's the strongest out of all of us. Well, second strongest now." He says. I look down at my hand, I could still feel that burst of energy. Then I turn it over and look at the r on my glove. Then some questions come into my mind. Who built me? Was it Robotnik? Is he evil? Why did he build me? So many unanswered questions. I let out a breath and feel my power disappear, and my eyes and fur going back to normal. I decide to try find Sonic since he might have answers to my questions.

"Hey Tails, y'know where Sonic or Shadow might be? I have a few things to ask them." I say.

"Oh, they had a mission to go on while you were training. They told me they'd be back in about an hour." He explains.

"If he's on a mission then why aren't you with them?" I ask.

"Sonic says I'm a little too young and that I might get hurt. I guess he's just being the big brother he is to me, trying to keep me safe." He explains turning to me. Then they leads to the obvious next question.

"Wait, you and Sonic are brothers? Does that make us brothers too?" I ask. He chuckles a bit and turns to me.

"No, not really. You see, my parents were killed when I was about five. I had to take care of myself on the streets. That's until I met Sonic. He was about nine when I met him. He took care of me since that day since his parents disappeared too. At that time he was with his little brother and older sister, Manik and Sonia. Then we met the rest of the gang and me and Sonic left Manik and Sonia. So no, Sonic isn't my real brother but he treated me like one since we met." He explains to me. I nod in understanding.

"So then, how long has it been since you two met?" I ask curiously.

"About three years and yet he still treats me like his little bro. I wouldn't change that at all. I love him like the brother He is to me, and since he's your brother now he's gonna love and care for you the same." He says. Then there's a ringing in my ears and a pain at the back of my neck like I'm being electrocuted. The ringing gets louder and the pain gets worse. I yell out in pain and drop to the floor on my knees. Then the pain and the ringing gets worse. I could hear Tails's voice in the background and I feel compelled to attack him, but I try to resist as much as I could. I hold the sides of my head and yell out again. I manage to resist the urge and stop yelling after I think of how scared the others would be if they saw me like this. I start to relax a bit after the pain and ringing disappears and get up off the ground. I see Tails with a worried face, looking like he's about to cry.

"It happened again, didn't it?" I ask feeling ashamed. My ears dropped to the sides of my head as I look to the ground, trying to avoid eye contact with Tails. But surprisingly when I look up again he put on a brave face. He walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay Ark, I know you weren't in controll, I know you didn't mean to." He says.

"But I almost hurt you like I did to Sonic the last time this happened. And besides, this happens at training too sometimes. I don't know if I'll be able to resist it or of I'm gonna end up being a danger to you all. I'm literally a weapon made by Robotnik to destroy you all and eventually I'll...I'll..." I say, a tear starting to form in my eye. I feel him put both his hands at the sides of my paper arms. I see a serious expression on his face but a tear running down his face.

"Ark don't say that about yourself, just don't! You're not dangerous. You know you're not dangerous. It hurts to hear you say that about yourself." He says another tear running down his face. "Ark, we all know that you wold hurt us on purpose, you're our friend. And besides, I can fix you." He says wiping the tears.

"You...You can?" I ask through my sobs.

"Yeah. I can fix anything, I'm the best inventor around. You'll be fine, just don't give in to the negatives." He says reassuringly, purring his hand on my shoulder again. I smile and wipe away the tear.

"Thanks Tails." I say giving him a hug. He hugs me back. I pull away from the hug and I dash out of the lab to the house. Then I get a tingly, and surprisingly firmilliar feeling in my chest. Once again I get an urge to go in a certain direction. I give in to the urge and start aimlessly roaming around until I notice my highlights glowing again. I continue roaming around until I stop at the beach. The feeling gets stronger and more present with every step I take. I eventually stop and for some strange reason I start digging up the sand. About a minute of digging later, I find another one of those gems I found a few weeks ago. I think Sally called them Chaos Emeralds, but this one is a different colour, it's dark blue. I pick up the emerald and like last time I see a glow around me for a while. Then as it disappears I feel a sudden burst of power within me. I decide to take this back to the base and show Tails. I dash back to the lab and find Tails working on another invention. But just as I'm about to say hi I get the ringing in my ears and the shocking pain at the back of my neck. I yell out I pain once again. I see someone black in colour coming towards me. Shadow. I catch a glimpse of him running to me before I lose myself again. Like last time, the pain and the ringing goe away and I get that exact same thought.


Was the chapter long enough? Was it too long? Let me know in the comments. But I think it went great. More chapters coming soon so stick around.

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