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"ARK WAIT!" I yell. He doesnt sem to listen. I try to run after him but Tails grabs my wrist and pulls on it. I try to go after Ark again but he holds on to my wrist even tighter.

"Let him go. He needs time to process everything. He'll be back, trust me." He says. I stop resisting and go up to my room. I sit on my bed and wait for Ark to come back. 'Wow, for the first time after Manik and Sonia left I have a real brother. I've always regarded Tails as my little brother but now I have a real one. I just hope Ark gets back soon.' The room gets quieter and quieter until my thoughts are soon the only thing I hear. The room gets even more quiet until I fall asleep.

Your P.O.V

Wait, I'm not a full Mobian? I something else. What am I if I'm not a real Mobian? Am I just a half mobian machine? So many questions running through my head. But the most confusing one is the fact that Sonic and me? Are.....

"What is it bud?" Sonic asks me. I need to get out of here. I have to get rid of all these thoughts in my head.

"I-I gotta dash, I'll be right back." I say. Then I bolt out of the base at Sonic's speed. New thoughts came into mind. 'Wait, how and when, did I get so fast? Why am I so fast?' I keep getting new thoughts in my head, but one always stays. The fact that I have a brother. I've been running for about a few hours. I decide to stop and take a look around. I find myself in a clearing in the middle of a huge forest. I sit down on a tree stump and look around. It's beautiful. A crystal blue river and bright green plants and so many colourful flowers. I start to feel a little better, but I'm still shocked bu what I've heard.

"Maybe having Sonic as a brother won't be so bad." I say to myself. I get off the stump and lay down on the grass. I'm able to see patterns in the sky, different shapes in the clouds and different colours of the sky as the sun sets. I start naming what they look like. I first see a fish, then a dragon, then a crystal-like shape. Kinda like a gem or something. Then I start to see a few of my friends in the clouds. Tails, then Knuckles, then Amy, then Silver. Then I see Sonic in the clouds. 'Hmmm, it's kinda wierd to see Sonic in the clouds like this....I shouldn't have run off like that, Tails and Sonic are probably worried about me. Maybe I should go back to the base.' I think to myself. But before I head back I have a strange feeling in my chest. It's telling me to follow something, to go in a specific direction. I go in that direction. The closer I get, the stronger the feeling is. I notice that all the blue highlights on my clothes are glowing. My vision is a bright blue around the edges of my eyes too. I continue walking to where I'm being told to go. I travel for about half an hour, or at least I think I am. Then I stop and see something glowing in the long grass. I pick it up. It's about the size of my hand. It was the same shape as that cloud I saw earlier. Then all of a sudden, I see my arm glow the same colour as my eyes and blue highlights. Then the feeling goes away and so does the glow. Then I feel a sudden burst of power.

"Wow, what was that feeling?" I ask myself. I look down at the object no have in my hand. "Did it come from this?" I look up and turn to the direction to the clearance. I head over to the spot where I lied down before I found the thing in my hand. 'Maybe Sonic will know about this.' I say to myself. Then I dash back to the base.

•[After a few hours]•

I make it to the base holding the gem in my hand tightly. I look up and see the full moon is out and shimmering beautifully. All the star's around it twinkle with the moon in the black sky. I let out a sigh. I walk into the living room to find everyone there. They all look at me with surprised looks.

"Uh, hey guys." I say.

"Ark dear, where have you been? We were all so worried about you when you just ran off." Rouge says.

"I-I just needed time to think, nothing much. Oh, and I found this in a forest. What is it?" I say holding out the gem. They all have those shocked faces again. Knuckles walks over to me looking like he'll break down.

"How did you find this?" He asks looking at the thing in my hand.

"I, I just felt something and then I went in a certain direction. That's when I found this. Then my arm glowed when I picked it up. After that I came back here." I explain.

"Two more then we'll have the whole set!" Amy says excitedly.

"This is amazing. Now Ark can sense the chaos emeralds?" Sally says surprised.

"Well yeah. Why are you all so surprised, can't you guys do it?" I ask.

"That's the thing, only guardians of the master emerald like can sense the chaos emeralds. I should know because I am a guardian. You're the only other one that can so far, and it seems that you can sense them at a greater extent." Knuckles explains.

"Well, even if he can find them he needs to learn how to controll their energy. Remember what happened the last time when Scourge found one of them?" Shadow says, arms folded.

"Yeah. That was brutal. Tell you what Ark, you might need to know how to use your powers in a serious situation. I'll train you to use your power, and make you a good fighter. I am the guardian of the master emerald after all." Knuckles says.

"Sure, thanks Knuckles." I say.

"Great, we start tomorrow at sunrise, meet me behind the base, then I'll take you to where out first training session will be." He says. I notice that there's one person that isn't in the living room. Sonic.

"Hey guys, where did Sonic go to? I have to talk to him." I say.

"Oh, Sonic went up to his room. It's the third room on the right." Tails says.

"Sure, thanks Tails." I say making my way to Sonic's room. I walk in and find the lights off and the room is pitch black, but I can see everything just fine. I wonder why. I turn my head and see someone sleeping on a bright blue bed. I already know that this is Sonic. I turn to my right and find a spare white bed. There's a note on it. I pick it up and read it. It says:

To Ark
You'll be sleeping in my room from tonight, we don't really have any spare rooms in the house so this was the next best option. This is gonna be your bed. If you need anything just wake me up, I won't mind. You should get some rest. I'll see you in the morning.

I put the note on the dresser next to my bed and sit up. I sigh as I look out of the window to the beautiful night sky. Then I crawl into the covers and slowly go to sleep.

Sorry for the late update guys, just had a few family issues I had to take care of. Besides that I had to go to school and I dont get a chance to write anything. Being a thirteen year old writer in 7th grade is hard and tiring, especially with exams coming up. But heres your chapter. I'll have the next one up in a few days. See you guys soon.

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