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He's gonna end up destroying us all if the glitches don't stop. I should talk to Sally about this. Someone has to keep an eye on him and make sure that he doesn't go rogue on us.

Tails's P.O.V

It's been hours since I had to turn Ark off, its about 9 PM right now. I've been scanning him for any viruses or anything that might be causing these glitches. Ark is laying in the lab table hooked up to a bunch of wires. I did manage to find a few cool new abilities for Ark, like creating energy shields, shockwaves, night vision, invisibility and polarkenesis, but that's all. Eventually I decide to just give up. But as I start packing my tools and inventions, Sonic comes into the lab.

"Hey lil' bro. Sally just called a meeting in the living room. She sent me to get you." He says.

"Sure Sonic, I'll be there in a sec." I say.

"You still trying to find out why Ark keeps glitching?" He asks walking over to him.

"Yeah, I've been scanning for hours now. Yet I found nothing." I say.

"Don't worry Tails, you'll find the source. I know you will. Besides, im worried for him." He says ruffling my hair.

"Thanks Sonic." I say. He then dashes out of the lab. I finish packing up my tools and go to the living room after Sonic. When I get there I sit down with Charmy, Rotor and Cream.

"Okay, now that everyone is here we have to discuss the situation with Ark and his glitches." Sally says.

"About that, I've been scanning for anything that could cause the glitches for hours." I say.

"Great, did you find anything?" Silver asks me. I shake my head.

"I couldn't find anything that could cause Ark to glitch out like that. But I'll keep looking tomorrow." I explain.

"Oh, that isn't really so bad. But until we can successfully remove the cause of his glitches, Ark is gonna need someone to look out for him." Sally says.

"We can talk about it tomorrow morning. I'm too tired to think right now." Sonic says walking up to his room. "Night everyone."

"Right now Ark needs to charge. ." I say walking to the lab. I walk over to Ark and plug in an android charging chamber. I then walk out of the lab and fly back to my room with my tails. I jump into bed and quickly fall asleep.

•The Next Day•

My alarm clock goes off for 8:00 AM. I yawn and get out of bed. Normally I'd join the others in the lounge but I have to find a way to fix Ark. Good thing I'm not hungry.

"Hey guys, if any of you need me I'll be in my lab fixing Ark." I say about to walk out the door, but I'm stopped when Sally calls my name.

"Um, Tails, before you go I have something to discuss." Sally says.

"Uh, okay. What is it?" I ask.

"Well, the incident yesterday where Ark glitched out again and Shadow was there to stop him from causing destruction. I've decided that until you can fix him from those glitches then Shadow will be the one to watch over Ark and stop him from causing trouble." She says. I look over at everyone else in the room. But when my eyes land non Sonic I see a furious expression on his face.

"What? Sally are you crazy? Why the hell would you leave Ark's protection to this asshog?" He screams walking over to Sally.

"Looks like someone's jealous." Shadow smirks crossing his arms.

"I'm not jealous! I'm just looking out for my brother! Is that a crime now?" Sonic screams. But after a second everyone in the room laughs, even shadow.

"You can't be serious Sonic. Tails told us that Ark is an android, but you being related to him is stupid." Knuckles says barely able to breathe.

"Knuckles is right. It doesn't seem likely that your be brothers with an andriod." Sally says wiping a tear out of her eyes from laughing so hard. I turn to Sonic, he still has a furious look on his face.

"To hell with all of you guys. I'm outa here. I'm not dealing with this crap, I'm done with you all." He screams before dashing right past me and out the door. The others start laughing again. I turn to them with a look of disappointment. When the laughter cools down a bit I cross my arms and slowly shake my head.

"He's right you know." I say. They all turn to me with confused looks.

"Uh, Tails, you can't really believe Sonic I can you?" Mighty asks.


"So, he was telling the truth? He and Ark are really related?" Knuckles asks. I nod, folding my arms. Their expressions change into ashamed ones, even Shadow's.

"Yeah, you all should be ashamed. Imagine how you made Sonic feel! He really is just trying to look after Ark just like he has for me the past five years, and you all just laugh at him for it!? I'm not gonna deal with this. I'm gonna go and fix Ark." I say. I then walk out the door and slam it behind me. I then walk to the lab. When I do I take Ark out of his recharging chamber and start examining him again. But this time I actually find something.

"Huh? What's this? I didn't see it last night when I first checked him." I say to myself looking at the computer readings. I found a micro chip inside of Ark's chest cavity, right next to his power source. And it leads right to his thought processor, or might I say 'brain'. "This should be what's causing the glitches right? It has to be." I say to myself. I'm just about to open up Ark's chest cavity when suddenly, he turns on. But his eyes and highlights are red again. He quickly sits up and looks at me. I start getting scared, knowing what Ark might do to me. He puts on an evil grin and dashes to me and punches me in the stomach. I let out a groan and drop to the floor, holding my stomach.

"Oh no, dont lie on the ground like that. We're not done yet Tails. By the end of today your life would not even be a problem. I'll send you to heaven a lot sooner than you think." He says to me.

"Ark please, don't do this." I plead. He puts on that same evil smile and holds me by my throat. I struggle to get myself free but his grip is too strong.

"Look at you. So small, so cute, so weak. Killing you will be easy. It's a shame though, I'll kinda miss you." He says. I feel myself being thrown into the air, and Ark's fist coming into my stomach again. I let out a cry of pain, coughing up some blood. Ark grabs me and slams me into the floor. I feel a few of my bones cracking. My whole body hurts like hell. I'm picked up again and thrown into the corner of the room. I feel my back collide with one of my machines, the healing chamber. I drop to my knees, but soon fall flat on my stomach. I see Ark come closer to me and prepare for an energy blast. I close my eyes scared but ready for the blast, but I quickly open them again when I hear metal banging against the wall. My vision is kinda blurry but see a black figure, Shadow. I see Shadow going into a fighting stance, but I see Ark standing still with his eyes staring at the back wall. Then I hear a voice coming from Ark, I could barely make out what he's saying.

"Well, I'd love to stay and fight you Shadow, but I've done my job. Cya Faker." He says. He then blasts a hole into the wall and flies out of it.

"Hey! Come back here and fight you coward!" Shadow shouts at Ark. Then suddenly he gets hit in the chest with an energy ball. He falls over but gets back up and dusts himself off. But after a few seconds, everything goes black.

I know, I know, I'm very very late with the chapter. And I'm sorry for that. I've been busy with my other books. Also I've been reading a lot too, yet I'm still waiting for Roxy to update Five Nights at Sonic's. But other than that my parents are always on my back about cycles. But don't worry guys, I'm finishing with them this week. Then I'll be able to update more often for you guys. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. That's all for now I'll see you guysbin the next one.

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