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I feel all my energy suddenly disappear and my eyes go pitch black. I can't move, I cant see or hear anything. But the worst part of it, is that I'm luring my friends into a trap. They're all gonna die, and its all because of me.

Sonic's P.O.V

Ark and Knuckles have been gone at training for almost two hours. Normally it would take them half the time to finish training and get back here. Guess today isn't one of those days. I decide to go and see Tails. I dash to his room and slowly open the door before walking straight to his bed. I sit next to him on his bed and let out a sigh. I then gentaly take his hand and hold I in mine for a few seconds.

"Tails, I don't know if you can hear me but, I'm glad to see that you're doing okay. And I finally managed to get Ark out of his room. All that's left is for you to wake up. Besides, I miss you little bro. I hope you wake up soon." I say before letting go of his Han and walking to the door. But just as I'm about to leave, I hear a very firmilliar sound.

"S-Sonic? Is that you?" I quickly turn around and see Tails, with his eyes partly open. I dash to him and carefully wrap him in my arms. I feel a tear start to form in my eye as I do.

"Tails, buddy. You're finally awake! I missed having you here next to me. You have no idea how happy I am to see you open your eyes." I say, a tear streaming down my face. I feel his hands wrap around my body short after.

"I know Sonic. I'm happy to see you too." He says. I pull away from the hug and wipe away the tear. I then quickly dash to the living room  where everyone is.

"Guys! You have to come up to Tails's room now!" I say. They all turn to me with confused faces.

"Why? Is something wrong with Tails?" Amy asks.

"No, its the opposite. He's awake!" I say. Then a second later they all rush up to Tails's room. They all smile and try to give Tails a hug when they get to his room. It feels so heartwarming to see my little buddy awake again. But it's gonna talk him a long time to heal. But that won't matter. The important thing is that he's awake. But just as I think that the moment couldn't be ruined, Knuckles bursts through the door.

"Guys! We have a problem, a big one!" He sqys. We all turn to him with annoyed looks.

"Let me guess, Robotnik stole the master emerald again and you need our help to get it back." I say crossing my arms.

"No, he's taken something much more important, or should I say someone." He says walking toward me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask putting on a concerned look. But just as he's about to speak again we get an alert from Tails's mini-computer in his room.

"We're getting a transmission." Amy says. Then the screen lights up and shows someone we'reall very firmilliar with. Robotnik.

"Hello Robuttnik. What do you want?" I say.

"Oh, nothing much. I just want to ask, is your little friend doing okay? Because he's certainly have a hell of a time here in my lair. Want to say hello?" He says moving the monitor screen. Then i see what Knuckles meant. He took Ark.

"ARK! BUDDY ARE YOU OKAY?" I say concerned.

"I'm fine Sonic. At least for now." He says before he lets out a cry of pain and drop to his knees. It looks like hes being electrocuted. I feel like ive just been kicked in the face just looking at what's happening. Ark stops screaming after a few seconds and looks up to the screen.

"LET HIM GO YOU ASSHOLE!" I hear Knuckles scream.


"YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS, PAINFULLY!" Shadow says balling his hands into fists.
"Oh the joy of watching the ones you love get hurt. It brings me glee to the the misery on your faces. And I could easily keep doing this to him, unless..." Robotnik says stroking his chin.

"Unless what!?" I scream.

"Unless you bring me all six chaos emeralds you have locked up. It's a simple task." He says with an evil grin.

"YOU'RE CRAZY! WE WOULD NEVER GIVE YOU ALL SIX OF THEM! WE WORKED SO HARD TO FIND THEM ALL!" Silver screams. I see Robotnik shake his head in disappointment.

"Oh, but you see, I have one of your friends and your most powerful on the team. I can easily ask Metal to dismantle him and disintegrate his parts to the point where even I could not rebuild him!" He says. We all gasp. Just the thought of Ark being dismantled gives me chills. An image of that flashes through my mind and a tear starts to form in my eye.

"YOU MONSTER! YOU WOULD NEVER!" I scream, the tear starting to run down my face.

"Yes, I would. So unless you want your friend to live, you had better hand me all your emeralds." Robotnik says.

"Guys, don't listen to him! Don't give him the emeralds!-" Ark says before quickly being shocked again. I hear him scream out in pain, I see him dropping to the ground once again. Another tear runs down my face.

"If you want him to live, then you had better show up with my emeralds. You have 24 hours. I expect you to be here with them, unless you want him to die." He says. Then Ark stops screaming in pain. "Don't keep me waiting." Robotnik says before the screen goes black again.

"This is terrible." Cream says.

"That bastard! He's gonna pay!" Son be says balling his hands into fists.

"If he doesn't let Ark go I'm going to kill him!" Shadow says holding an energy ball in his hands.

"Guys calm down! I know we're all in shock and furious but we can't just break in his lair with brut force. That would be idiotic and would mean that we would get captured too." Sally says.

"Sally's right. We shouldn't just barge in there. We need a plan first." Blaze says.

"Whatever it takes to get Ark out of there." I say wiping away the tears and putting on a brave face. We all then start planning on ways to get Ark out of Robotnik's lair. After about an hour and a half we all agree on it. We then spend the rest of the day getting everything we need. We then get ready to bust into the lair tonight. By tomorrow morning we'll have Ark back with us. That crackhead Robotnik is gonna pay for taking Ark, and for putting him through that pain. I'll make sure of it.


Man, has it really been five days since the last time I updated? I mean, I know I updated my thoughts on Sonic characters not so long ago. But I still don't believe that its only been five days. Oh, that reminds me. I kinda forgot to tell you guys that this will be the last chapter that I'll be writing for at least the rest of the month. I desperately need to update my FNaF book, Five Long Nights. It's been about two months since I updated that, maybe even more. Springlocked isn't really that desperate for updates but I just feel like I should anyways. So, yeah, I'm not gonna be writing in this book for the rest of November. But when December comes around I'll come back to this book and, as a bonus I'll update every single other book I have on the same date. Just so that all my different readers can get a chance to read the latest chapters of their favourite book from me. But anyways that's it for now Speed Demons, I'll see you all in the next chapter.
Bye Bye.☺

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