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Then suddenly, I feel a bolt of electricity shoot through me from around my neck. I let out a cry of pain and drop to the ground. Thats when I remember the collar around my neck. The shock stops after a few seconds. My vision is blurry and I can barely hear anything. The last thing I hear is Knuckles screaming my name and the sound of badniks being destroyed. After that I can't hear anything at all. I feel myself being picked up, but I could hardly tell, I'm losing my energy. Soon I can't even keep my eyes open. I close them, exhausted and pass out.

Your P.O.V

I wake up, my vision still blurry and a ringing in my ears. I'm not able to make out much, because mot only is my vision blurry, the room I'm in is very dark. Tails told me I had night vision but it doesn't seem to be working at all.

"Wha...where am I? Why I my vision blurry? And why do I have this ringing in my ears?" I ask myself. I try to get up and walk but I feel something pull back from around my neck. It sort of feels like I'm choking, but not exactly. I am half machine after all. I feel around my neck and see find the collar is attached to a chain. I feel where the chain goes to and see that its on the wall behind me. But not only that, my arms and legs are chained down as well.(kinda like this)

"What the-? When did get these chains?" I say

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"What the-? When did get these chains?" I say. I try to struggle out of them but it has no effect. All I do is make an annoying rattling sound. Then I remember that I have ice powers, somehow. From time to time I was able to freeze anything I touched and it would be able to break easily. So I try to use it, but it doesn't work. I'm still out of energy. I try breaking free again letting out more groans and grunts, still nothing. I decide to just give up. But soon my vision and hearing returns. I could hear footsteps coming towards me. They stop a few feet away from me and the lights go on. Then I see someone standing in front of me with that blue sonic copy-cat next to him. Something about him seems firmilliar. He then walls over to me until our faces are a few inches apart and smiles.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my long lost Android, 401. I've been wondering when you would come back to me. Welcome home." He says in an evil tone.

"Wait, this is not my home! And my name isn't Android 401! I'm Ark the heedgehog." I say proudly.

"Oh, don't tell me sonic got to you. That rodent is always interfering with my plans of world domination. And creating you was going to be the way I was going to achieve that goal, but he's brainwashed you." He says facepalming.

"W-What do you mean, 'world domination'? And also, who even are you?" I say confused.

"You do not know the name of your creator? Then allow me to introduce myself. I am doctor Ivo Eggman Robotnik. I prefer you call me by my last name." He says. Then instantly a memory of his name being said flashes through my mind.

"You're Robotnik?" I ask surprised.

"Well yes, I am, 401. Seems you do remember me after all. Even after I wiped your memory." He says.

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