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*Challenge: Read through the whole chapter without crying or feeling sad or depressed. No cheating and telling me you did when you didn't in the comments. I'll know whether you're lying or not. And yes, the image for this chapter will make sense later. Anyway, on with the chapter.


"Hey! Come back here and fight you coward!" Shadow shouts at Ark. Then suddenly he gets hit in the chest with an energy ball. He falls over but gets back up and dusts himself off. But after a few seconds, everything goes black.

Sonic's P.O.V

I can't believe those guys. They're crackheads if their gonna laugh at me for trying to look out for my brother. I wouldnt laugh at them for taking care of their family. But I hould probably stop running now. Its been like half an hour. I slow down and find myself in the middle of a meadow. I see a huge oak tree in the distance and decide to sit under it. I look across the land and see so much green grass, and a bunch of flowers. I see shapes in the clouds, I start naming what I see. A chilli dog, a rabbit, then an acorn. Then I see the weirdest thing in the clouds, Ark flying towards me. But the closer he gets, the more it seems like his eyes and highlights are red again. Then I realize that they are. After a minute he lands right in front of me and looks at me with an evil grin.

"Oh, hey brother. How are ya doing?" He says. I quickly get up and stare at him with worried eyes.

"Ark, your eyes, your highlights..." I point out.

"I know. Don't I look good in red? Blue was so boring" He says with that evil tone that Robotnik has.

"Ark, calm down. You're glitching out again. Let me help you." I say calmly.

"No, why would I want to do that? I like this new side of me. I just wish I wasn't being controlled by that retarded crackhead. Oh well, at least I get to take care of you like I did with Tails." He says. Then a horrifying image flashes into my mind. Tails lying on the floor, covered in blood. It's an image that might make me cry, but I manage to hold the tears in and put on a brave face.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" I scream. Ark chuckles.
"There was a bit of an accident. But you'll find out soon enough. Now let's play." He says going into his fighting stance. Then almost instantly he charges at me and lands his fist into my stomach. I let out a groan before being thrown into the air. I see Ark teleport above me and slams me into the ground holding my throat.

"Ark, please, snap out of it." I manage to say. For a split second I see his eyes and highlights flickering between red and blue. For a while they stay blue.

"S-Sonic? What am I..." He says sounding confused for a second.

"Ark?" I say before he flickers again going back to red.

"Don't let your guard down you idiot!" Ark screams in that evil tone again. But it gives me a split second to kick Ark off of me. I get him off and he slides on his feet and hands for a few seconds. He looks up at me with a furious expression on his face. "Oh, that's it! You're a dead hedgehog now Sonic, I'll kill you!" He screams. He charges to me again but I dodge just in time.

"Ark, I'm sorry but I have to do this." I say. I then charge up for a spin dash. I hear Ark charging at me again. When he's close enough I spin dash towards him and knock him right in his chest cavity. I knock him back a couple of feet and dash towards him again and kick him in his stomach. He lets out a groan and falls to the floor. I feel like I've been slapped in the face for what I just did to him. I didn't want to fight him but he left me no choice. He starts flickering between red and blue again, but sparks are coming out of his body. After a minute the sparks and flickering stop and his eyes and highlights are blue again. He looks up at me with a confused face.

"S-Sonic? What am I doing here? And why do you have bruises everywhere?" He says puzzled.

"It's a pretty long story bud. I'll explain it to you when we get home." I say.

"Race you home!" He says dashing to the base.

"Oh no you don't!" I say also dashing. It feels greatvto have the Arknwe all know and love back. I just hope these glitches stop and soon, for Ark's sake and for everyone else's.

-Half an hour later-

We make it back to the base, having Ark beat me there. But I don't mind giving him a victory against me. He is my brother after all. The two of us go inside the house only to see cream, Charmy and Ray crying. And silver is trying to comfort them.

"Hey Silver, what's wrong buddy?" I ask walking over to him and the kids.

"It's...it's Tails. He's been beat up pretty bad." He says. I feel my heart shatter at the image and a tear start to form in my eye.

"Where is he? Silver where is he?" In ask putting my hands in the sides of his arms. The worry in my voice was obvious.

"He's in his room resting." He says. I turn and look at Ark.

"Ark, stay down here." I say. Then I dash to Tails's room and stop at the door. I could hear sobbing coming from inside there. I slowly open the door and see everyone in the room. Then I see Tails, lying there on his bed with bandages around his head, torso, arms and legs. Even a few wrapped around his tails. Everyone turns their heads to look at me with sorry looks, except for Shadow. I slowly walk over to the side of his bed and look down at him. I put my hand in his chest, I can still feel a heartbeat. Thank goodness for that. But the state he's in is extremely heartbreaking. In feel like ive been stabbed in the chest for the second time today.

"Hey guys, can you all leave me alone with Tails please?" I ask. I then hear the sound of footsteps leaving the room. I stare down at Tails again. I struggle to hold the tears in any longer. I feel one run down my eyes, then another. Then soon I'm crying my heart out unable to keep the tears from escaping my eyes.

"Tails, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have dashed off like that. If I hadn't then you wouldn't be in this state now. I failed to protect you, I failed my most important job. I'm sorry Tails, I'm sorry." I sob. I kneel down beside his bed and put my hand on his cheek. I then give him a soft and gentle hug, tears still running from my eyes.

I actually cried as I wrote this, its just so sad. But the really hard part was just ending it there like that. But the next chapter might be even sadder though so you guys have been warned. Also, I'm so sorry this took a bit longer to upload than I promised. I had other things to take care of in the family, being the oldest out of 4 children. I hope this pretty long chapter with a super depressing end made up for it though. (it probably didn't, it might've made your mood a little more sad. If so then I'm sorry.) And sorry to say this but I knew that this chapter was coming since the chapter 1. But that's it for now Speed Demons, I guess I'll see you all in the next chapter.

(And yes, I did just come up with a name for you guys. I'm wierd I know. Let me know if you guys like it.)

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