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Before you say anything, I made this chapter because I was bored. I'm not updating a lot of chapters every day from now on, that's just not possible, plus I have other books to write and read. Anyway, enjoy reading.


Pretty soon the rest if the gang welcomes Ark in with open arms saying how they missed him and saying that they're all glad to have him back. Then that means that part one of my mission is complete. Now for part two. I head up to me and Ark's room and find a little card on Ark's dresser. I then taken It to Tails's room and put it right next to his bed. I then dash back downstairs to join the others.

Your P.O.V

Everyone is so happy to have me back after the incident. And it looks like they're starting to forget about it too. Knuckles apologised for punching me that day and in did the same. Nobody is scared of me anymore and I love it. But as much as I love everyone's company there's one person that I would rather avoid, Tails. What I did to him was so unforgivable and its weighing down on my shoulders. I don't want to be reminded of what I did. But I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Knuckles calling me.

"Hey Ark, why don't we start training again?" He says walking to me. I hesitate. I known how powerful I am and I wouldn't want to use that power to the point where I could end up killing him.

"Uh, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, I'm twice as strong as Shadow now, I wouldn't want you getting sent to a hospital Knux." I say. He chuckles.

"Ark, I'm a strong fighter. I can handle myself against almost any opponent, including you or Shadow. Besides, I prepared for this. I had Ray increase my agility and durability for a fight against a fighter like you." He explains, but I get confused.

"Uh, what does that mean? I don't really understand that well." I say.

"It means that Ray upgraded my flexibility and how much damage can take." He explains.

"Oh, I understand now. Sure, let's go training. I've been thinking of some new attacks." I say walking out the door with Knuckles. We then go to our usual training ground, Fire Canyon. We both get into our fighting stances and prepare to charge at each other. I gather my power and charge at him, he does the same. We both try punching each other but instead our fists collide with each other sending a huge shockwave around us. He tries drop kicking me but I dodge it easily. I then fire an energy ball at him. He blocks it but it give me enough time to punch him in the gut with my new attack, ice gauntlet. A split second before I punch him I surround my fist in ice. It deals a lot more damage than my regular punches do. I hear Knuckles let out a groan and just before he falls to the ground I kick him in the chest and send him flying to the edge of the canyon. After a few seconds he comes charging at me again. He tries to use a punch blitz on me yet I block and dodge every attack. I jump back and launch another energy ball at him. He deflects it easily. He comes charging at me at double his normal speed and tries to punch me. I try to block but he breaks through and lands the punch on my stomach. I let out a groan before getting an uppercut right under the jaw. It sends me flying through the sky. I then see knuckles jump up and slam me down in the bottom of the canyon, but before I hit the ground I activate an energy shield around me. When I collide with the ground the energy shield breaks. After a few seconds Knuckles lands a few feet in front of me.

"Wow Ark, you really have gotten stronger haven't you? And that new attack really did some damage." He says to me.

"Thanks, but I'm not the only one who got stronger. Your strength was definately increased as well. It's like you're a whole different fighter." I say back.

"Thanks. But enough talking. Ready for round two? And try going into that super form again, I'm ready for it." He says going into his fighting stance.

"Sure, but only if you show me your full power." I say also going into my fighting stance. But before we could charge at each other again, a huge ship flies in from above us. Something about it seems firmiliar. Then all of a sudden about fifty robots fall from the ship and surround me and Knuckles.

"What the? Where did these badniks come from?" He yells.

"Wait, badniks?" I ask puzzled.

"Yeah, they're Robotnik's creations. We gotta smash them all to bits." He instructs.

"Got it." I say. I then charge up for a spin dash and then charge at them with full speed. The minute I collide with one, it gets destroyed instantly. Then I dash to the next one and the next, bouncing off them like a ping pong ball. I slide across the ground for a few feet after I destroy the last robot surrounding me and try to go and help Knuckles, but before I manage to I get blasted from behind. I quickly turn around and see that blue sonic copy-cat. He charges up for another attack but soon stands down when someone seemingly firmilliar shows up from behind him. He takes out a remote and pushes a button. Then suddenly, I feel a bolt of electricity shoot through me from around my neck. I let out a cry of pain and drop to the ground. Thats when I remember the collar around my neck. The shock stops after a few seconds. My vision is blurry and I can barely hear anything. The last thing I hear is Knuckles screaming my name and the sound of badniks being destroyed followed by footsteps. After that I can't hear anything at all. I feel myself being picked up, but I could hardly tell, I dont ave enough of my energy to say for sure. Soon I can't even keep my eyes open. I close them, exhausted and pass out.


As I said in the beginning, I'm not making and publishing more chapters everyday. I have other books to write and other books in my library that MUST be read. I was just bored. YouTube wasn't an option since I've seen all the latest videos and I'm the only boy here at my cousin's house (my brother didn't come with me unfortunately) so I have nobody to challenge on my PS3. I had already published chapter 12 the day I started with this and I didn't want you guys to think that I'm putting a lot of extra work into this. That's just not gonna happen. But that's it for now Speed Demons, I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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